Lee and Luo named Fellows of the Royal Academy of Engineering
22 September 2020
Professors Peter Lee and Kai Luo (UCL Mechanical Engineering) have both been named amongst the Royal Academy of Engineering’s new Fellows today.
Professors Peter Lee and Kai Luo (UCL Mechanical Engineering) have both been named amongst the Royal Academy of Engineering’s new Fellows today.
Professor Peter Lee (FREng), who holds one of the Royal Academy of Engineering’s Chairs in Emerging Technologies (Additive Manufacturing) is a materials scientists who leads UCL’s Materials, Structures and Manufacturing lab group at Harwell, home to Diamond Light Source.
Professor Lee is pre-eminent in the fields of solidification and x-ray imaging. Further, he has developed nano-precision rigs that simulate manufacturing or in-service conditions on a synchrotron beamline, enabling us to see inside materials in 3D as they change in time. His work is revealing how microstructures evolve in alloys, bioactive-glasses and geological systems.
Lee’s open-source codes and models have been exploited internationally by aerospace, automotive, energy and biomedical companies to solve important engineering challenges – from developing additive manufactured human joint replacements to light-weight automotive components.
Professor Kai Luo (FREng), Chair of Energy Systems at UCL Mechanical Engineering, has made outstanding contributions to engineering research, education and practices for three decades. He has been responsible for the development of cutting-edge models and numerical methods across scales that have transformed energy system diagnostics, design and optimisation, evidenced by his significant research funding, research publications, software codes, inventions, products, awards and fellowships.
Professor Luo has unique expertise in mesoscale modelling and simulation that bridges the science and engineering boundary making ground-breaking advances in both spheres.
Congratulating his colleagues, Professor Yiannis Ventikos, Head of Department, UCL Mechanical Engineering said: “We are absolutely delighted that Professors Kai Luo and Peter Lee have been recognised in such a resounding way by the most eminent engineering learned society in the country.
It is an honour and a privilege of us, as their colleagues, and for the students of our Department, to interact with and be taught by such distinguished scientists, with long-lasting impact in their respective fields. Peter and Kai now join a very select group of academics in UCL Mechanical Engineering, past and present, who have been bestowed such an accolade.”
In announcing the Royal Academy’s new intake of 53 leading engineers from the UK and around the world Sir Jim McDonald FREng FRSE, President of the Royal Academy of Engineering, said:
“The new Fellows who join us today are among the most talented and successful engineers working in the field today, leaders in areas from transport and our essential data infrastructure to lifesaving developments in medical research. We look forward to working with them and benefiting from their ideas and insight as we strive to inform public debate and provide workable solutions to our shared national and global challenges.”
The pair of new Fellows from UCL Engineering will add their expertise to the Royal Academy’s Fellowship of almost 1,600 eminent engineers from both industry and academia in the UK and around the world.