
Mechanical Engineering


UCL Mechanical Engineering

175 years pioneering in the development of engineering education, the first Mechanical Engineering Department in England and the first in the world to introduce laboratories in engineering education – welcome to UCL Mechanical Engineering.

Mechanical Engineering as a distinct discipline in the UK was established right here at UCL in 1847. Today, our students are taught core engineering disciplines and supervised in individual and group research projects by academics, many of whom are recognised research world-leaders in their fields. 

Image of students discussing their prototype


Discover our various programmes, including our undergraduate, postgraduate taught and postgraduate research programmes.

UCL Mechanical Engineering student in materials examination lab


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Image of UCL Mechanical Engineering people in a lab


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Image of two people working on a laptop at MechSpace


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"Wow!" MechEng Undergraduates win IMechE National Design Challenge 2024

National Champions for the 4th year running, both our UCL MechEng teams won the Foundation and Advanced categories in this competition of small, automated vehicle prototype designs, hitting targets with perfect scores in each round. Listening out for the judge exclaiming “wow” at the accuracy!

YouTube Widget Placeholderhttps://youtu.be/TkeMYuPy7JM


Research Highlights

Designing Impact Resistance and Robustness into Slippery Lubricant Infused Porous Surfaces
Vikramjeet SinghJianhui ZhangPriya MandalDingyu HouIoannis PapakonstantinouManish K. Tiwari Advanced Materials, October 2024.

Bioinspired adaptable multiplanar mechano-vibrotactile haptic system
Sara-Adela AbadNicolas HerzigDuncan RaittMartin Koltzenburg & Helge Wurdemann Nature Communications, September 2024

Micro- and Nanomanufacturing for Biomedical Applications and Nanomedicine: A Perspective
Fanjin Wang, Anthony Harker, Mohan Edirisinghe, Maryam Parhizkar. Small Science, October 2023.

Endothelium and Subendothelial Matrix Mechanics Modulate Cancer Cell Transendothelial Migration
Yousef Javanmardi, Emad Moeendarbary et al. Advanced Science, April 2023.

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