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ICDEA2019 Conference Proceedings
After the close of ICDEA2019, delegates are invited to submit articles for publication in a special volume of the series Springer Proceedings in Mathematics & Statistics. The volume will be called “Progress on Difference Equations and Discrete Dynamical Systems”, and will be edited by Stephen Baigent, Saber Elaydi and Martin Bohner.
The volume will include the latest research on difference equations and discrete dynamical systems, and their application to areas such as biology, economics, and the social sciences. Some chapters have a tutorial style, and cover the history and more recent developments for a particular topic, such as chaos, bifurcation theory, monotone dynamics, global stability. Other chapters cover the latest personal research contributions of the author(s) in their particular area of expertise, and will range from the more technical articles on abstract systems to those that discuss the application of difference equations to real world problems. The book will be of interest to both PhD students and researchers alike who wish to keep abreast of the latest developments in difference equations and discrete dynamical systems.
All delegates are invited to submit their contributions via e-mail to Stephen Baigent at steve.baigent@ucl.ac.uk.
The manuscripts will be evaluated through a peer review process. The referees will evaluate the scientific quality of the papers, the originality of the work, the novelty and the impact to the further development in the area.
Opening of submission: June 28, 2019
Deadline for submissions: December 31, 2019.
Instructions for authors
All papers must be written in English and prepared using LaTeX2e style files which can be downloaded by following the link "LaTeX Package" on the Information for Authors of Springer Proceedings site.
Authors need to prepare their contributions using the template file author.tex. Please note that Springer Proceedings in Mathematics & Statistics uses the Reference Style MathPhysSci. The authors are kindly asked not to change the commands and settings of the style files, as this may cause errors during compilation of the final manuscript.
After acceptance of their work, authors will need to submit all final source files, including figures, and a pdf final version of their paper.
When the authors submit their accepted, final revised paper and its source files, each corresponding author must complete and send the copyright transfer agreement:
Consent to Publish
Consent to Publish.
The authors should obtain permissions from the previous publisher for any material they want to reuse – please see
Permission Request Form
. The completed form must be submitted by the authors simultaneously with the final version of the paper.