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After the registration please submit your abstract as soon as possible. For both talks and posters the abstract needs to be prepared using the template files abstract-icdea2019.tex, abstract-icdea2019.pdf.
Please click here to download these template files
Please click here to download these template files
Please plan your talk and abstract according to:
Plenary talks (by invitation only); 50 minutes + 10 minutes for questions.
Standard talks; 25 minutes + 5 minutes for questions.
If you wish to present a poster, then please also submit an abstract as detailed below. Your poster should be no more than 48.6 inches x 66.2 inches (1189mm x 1682mm) in size (i.e 2A0 in the ISO A series).
The abstract must be written in English, should not exceed 1 page including references, and needs to be uploaded both as a LaTeX file and as a PDF file. Where possible please provide some suitable subject references. Please indicate in your file abstract file whether your abstract is for a talk or a poster by specifying `Talk’ or `Poster’ in the Presentation type.
Please submit your abstract by sending your abstract tex file together with the resulting pdf output as email attachments to icdea2019@ucl.ac.ukusing the subject title `Abstract Submission'. Please name your tex file in the format yoursurname_abstract.tex.