MAPS Caring Fund
As part of the MAPS Equality, Diversity and Inclusion strategic plan for the period 2019-2022, the faculty is relaunching the MAPS Caring Fund. The aim of this fund is to enable all staff (academics, researchers, teaching fellows, professional services staff, technical staff) and PhD students with caring responsibilities to attend meetings, conferences, workshops and work events outside normal working patterns.
Relating to EDI Goal 4
Challenging outdated power dynamics in academia: issues and solutions
Targeted to all staff in MAPS and Engineering Faculties. Sign up for registration
On Friday 27 March 2020, from 9:00-13:00, UCL MAPS and Engineering Science Faculties will hold a discussion forum on Challenging power dynamics in academia: issues and solutions. The aim of the event is to generate an open and constructive conversation on the misuse of power that leads to hostile and unacceptable behaviours in our work, research and study environments, and what we can do to improve our work environment and culture in STEM fields. The event will be open to all staff - from senior academics to professional services and post-docs
Relating to EDI Goal 1 and Goal 5
Contact: and
For the Transforming research environment: the active bystander workshop. Targeted to all PhD students in the faculty.
Bystander Workshop Registration
On Thursday 26 March 2020, from 13:00-15:00, UCL MAPS will hold a workshop called "Transforming research environment: the active bystander” open to all PhD students in the MAPS Faculty.
A workshop led by our international visitor Professor Asmeret Asefaw-Berhe (University of California)
Harassment endangers the professional and personal well-being of individuals and their communities and contributes to hostile climates in science. It can exploit differences in religion, race, class, ability, sexual orientation, and gender identity and is especially toxic when perpetrated by people in positions of power, such as supervisors or advisors. The goal of this workshop is to raise awareness of the problem in scientific communities, discuss initiatives to address harassment and discuss practical ways for creating research environments that challenge and prevent harassment. For further information please contact Mrs. Nicola Phillips
Relating to EDI Goal 1 and Goal 5
Black Role Models in STEM.
Thursday, 27 February 2020 from 17:30 to 20:30 (GMT). Black Role Models in STEM. Mainly targeted to undergraduates of Maths and Physics of Black and African-Caribbean descent. Black Role Models in STEM Registration.
As a follow-up to Black Mathematician Month 2019, the UCL MAPS Faculty is organising a networking evening, primarily aimed at Maths and Physics undergraduate students of Black and African-Caribbean descent. With this event, we wish to celebrate Black Role Models in STEM, and increase the visibility of and strengthen the connection between Black undergraduate scientists and mathematicians.
Contact Dr. Luciano Rila at