
Library Services


Language Learning Materials

Index to the language learning materials held by UCL SSEES Library.

The Call numbers of the discs and tapes on which these films are held are given after the entries. Follow the link to retrieve full details.

Collection contents

Materials are listed by language:

Czech language learning materials

  • Mluvte s námi cesky! [Let Us Speak Czech] written and designed by Josef Fronek and Svetlana Obenausová, Department of Slavonic Languages and the Language Centre, University of Glasgow, 1995, 51 minutes, in Czech
    Call number V-1134
  • Spoken Czech Intermediate, producer Thomas Dickins, University of Wolverhampton, 46 minutes, in Czech
    Call number V-962

Finnish language learning materials

  • Kuulostaa hyvältä [Sounds Good] - Finnish language course for foreign language speakers in 39 lessons. Suomen kilen laitos. Helsingin yliopisto, 2002, 182 minutes, in Finnish without subtitles
    Call number V-1003

Hungarian language learning materials

  • Lépésenként Magyarul 1 [Step by Step in Hungarian 1] University of Szeged, 2004, authors: Péter Durst, Nóra Péter, total running time 29 minutes, in Hungarian with optional Hungarian subtitles
    Call number DVD-4952

Russian language learning materials

  • A Little Bit of Russian, 68 minutes, in English
    Call number DVD-2180
  • Metodika prepodavaniia russkogo iazyka kak inostrannogo. Zadachnik k prakticheskomu kursui. Videoprilozhenie [The Method of Teaching Russian as a Foreign Language. Exercises for the Practical Course. Video Supplement] 78 + 79 = 157 minutes, in Russian
    Call numbers DVD-4071 and DVD-4072
  • Moskva dlia Vas! : a Film for Learners of Russian, written by John Langran and Garri Dombrovsky, Ruslan, 1998, 47 minutes
    Call number V-1127
  • On the Air: Russian Television and Politics [Part of a Russian language course: Russian TV interviews of 10-15 minutes duration and audio comprehension exercises] Russian Language Readers Television broadcasting, 1999
    Call number V-1993
  • Prilozhenie k trenirovochnym testam po russkomu iazyku kak inostrannomu. II sertifikatsionnyi uroven´. Obshchee vladenie. Subtesty Audirovanie, govorenie [Supplement to Training Tests in Russian as a Foreign Language. II Certification Level. General Competence. Subtests Listening Comprehension. Speaking.] 2008, 40 minutes, in Russian
    Call number DVD-4011
  • Prilozhenie k trenirovochnym testam po russkomu iazyku kak inostrannomu. III sertifikatsionnyi uroven´. Obshchee vladenie. Subtesty Audirovanie, govorenie [Supplement to Training Tests in Russian as a Foreign Language. III Certification Level. General Competence. Subtests Listening Comprehension. Speaking.] 2010, 52 minutes, in Russian
    Call number DVD-4012
  • V Moskvu? V Moskvu! University of Leeds Media Services, 1996, 6 tapes, 11, 13, 11, 11, 13, and 11 minutes
    Call numbers V-1128 - V-1133