UCL Office for Open Science and Scholarship
Why adopt Open Science practices?
- It maximises the potential of research and education outputs by allowing researchers to reuse and repurpose outputs in novel and innovative ways.
- Gives greater accessibility and transparency of the research process.
- Allows replication and verification of research findings which can also lead to more collaboration.
- Opens the academic environment to members of the public – their knowledge and insights are invaluable to informing the research process.
As a researcher, what can I do?
In adopting Open Science practices, researchers are encouraged to:
- Make data linked to your research findings as open as possible to enable others to verify and replicate your conclusions.
- Make any software or code you use available to aid others in reproducing your research.
- Use persistent unique identifiers. Get an ORCID for yourself, and use DOIs to identify your outputs.
- Consider applying a reuse license to your research and education outputs.