£20 voucher for participating in Virtual Learning Spaces Focus Group
8 July 2021
Share your experiences of using the virtual learning spaces. UPDATE: The survey is now closed.
Would you like a £20 Waterstones online voucher to take part in a one-hour Focus Group during July to tell us your experience of using virtual learning spaces?
We’re looking for feedback from students who’ve used:
- Online tools for individual study and peer group work e.g. department Zoom revision workshops.
- Library Services’ Virtual Learning Spaces for Students (trial that ran in May and June).
We want to know:
- what you enjoyed about using these study and learning spaces,
- how we might improve them, and
- if you would like to be able to continue using them after return to campus?
How to participate
To participate in a focus group, contact Lydia, the Research Assistant running the survey: l.tapping@ucl.ac.uk; or, complete the survey running until 9th July and provide your details at the end. We also offering a £10 Waterstones online voucher to the first 100 students to complete the survey.
The focus groups are part of research into use of the spaces to help us develop the virtual learning spaces as a complement to on-campus library sites, like the Student Centre.