Possible noise disturbances in Main Library reading rooms
18 May 2018
From 29 May 2018, works on the UCL New Student Centre project will progress to the demolition phase of an obsolete plant room. The demolition is likely to last around three weeks. UCL Main Library users may experience noise disturbances in reading rooms from works taking place.

We expect that the potential for noise disruption will cause concern to many students and researchers, who regularly use the Main Library as a place for quiet study.
The following measures have been put in place to mitigate any disruption.
- acoustic barriers are being erected around all noisy plant equipment and around concrete break-out works
- low-vibration tools are being used where percussive work is unavoidable (for instance to break out concrete)
- To meet the need for alternative quiet study and revision space during the construction of the Wilkins Terrace (now open) and the New Student Centre, we opened the UCL Senate House Hub in March 2015.
- For those that are studying in the Main Library, and are disturbed by construction noise, the contractors for the New Student Centre, Mace are providing free disposable earplugs - pick these up at the Main Library Help Point.
The Main Library has a dedicated e-mail address where you can report any disturbances to your study. If you have any concerns regarding the construction noise, please contact us at: library@ucl.ac.uk
The project works, which will create a world-class learning centre with over 1,000 new study spaces, is scheduled to be complete in early 2019, to open for the exam revision period next academic year.