1 July 2008: Ayris, P. Europeana - the View from LIBER: How Can We Contribute?
A presentation given at the pre-conference session (Discovery to
Delivery - A European Resource Discovery Space?), 37 th LIBER Annual
Conference, Istanbul, Turkey
26 June 2008: Ayris, P. Expectations, needs and responsibilities of academic libraries to their medical and health . At: EQUATOR Network Launch Meeting (Achieving Transparency in Reporting Health Research), London, UK
4 June 2008: Ayris, P. Digital strategy: European perspectives on E-Theses developments . A presentation given at ETD 2008 (European Theses and Dissertations), University of Aberdeen, UK
15-16 May, 2008: Ayris, P. The library as place: what users want from libraries.
In: 4th UNICA Seminar: "Partnership in Academic Excellence : UNICA
Scholarly Communications Seminar 2008", Prague, Czech Republic
21-24 April 2008: Ayris, P. Digital strategy: European perspectives.
In: Digital Discoveries: Strategies and Solutions: 29th Annual
Conference of the International Association of Technological University
Libraries, Auckland, New Zealand
1 April 2008: Ayris, P. Libraries and Information Providers. A presentation given to the AHRC's Seminar on E-Infrastructures, King's College London, UK
12 March 2008: Ayris, P. Developing an Open Access repository at UCL. A presentation given to a visiting party from Tsinghua University, People's Republic of China, UCL, London, UK
25 February 2008: Ayris, P. et al. E-Book Focus Group: Ex Libris/ELUNA/IgeLU. Recommendations and Requirements for E-Book Functionality . (rev 29 April 2008)
29 November 2007: Ayris, P. E-Books: a user's perspective from UCL. A presentation given to Ex Libris in Jerusalem, Israel
28 November 2007: Ayris, P. Images to celebrate 350 Years of the
Re-Admission of the Jewish community into England. A presentation given
to UCL alumni in Tel Aviv, Israel
10 March 2007: Ayris, P. The NHS-HE Forum and joint procurement between Higher Education and the NHS. A presentation given to the UMSLG Open Forum, London, UK
7 February 2008: Anagnostelis, B. JISC national e-books observatory project at: JISC E-books UK Roadshow, London
10 March 2008: Anagnostelis, B. Working at the HE-NHS Crossover at: Health & Medical Librarians Group Spring Forum, London
21-22 July 2008: Anagnostelis, B. UHMLG (the University Health and Medical Librarians Group): UMSLG and UHSL combine at: Health Libraries Group (HLG) Conference, Cardiff
13-14 September 2007: Clarke, S. The NLH Specialist Library for Gastroenterology and Liver Diseases: a tool to support clinical practice at: British Viral Hepatitis Group meeting at the British Association for the Study of the Liver Annual Meeting, London
12 May 2008: Clarke, S. Pushmi-Pullyu: Specialist Libraries and the clinical librarian at: Clinical Librarian Study Day: the practical and the political, Leicester
28 April 2008: Jefkins, A. Chartership: the next step at: School of Library, Archive and Information Studies, UCL, London
21-22 July 2008: Waddington, M: Guideline development: collaborative working between the Trust and the medical library at: Health Libraries Group (HLG) Conference, Cardiff
21-22 July 2008: Waddington, M. Continuing development of the Clinical Effectiveness Enquiry Service (CEES). [Poster presentation] at: Health Libraries Group (HLG) Conference City Hall, Cardiff
21-22 July 2008: Clarke, S. Localising the Map of Medicine - librarians playing a key role. [Poster presentation] at: Health Libraries Group (HLG) Conference, Cardiff
Polydoratou, P. and Moyle, M. (2008) Publishing scientific research: is there ground for new ventures?
In: Chan, L. and Mornatti, S., (eds.) ELPUB2008. Openness in Digital
Publishing: Awareness, Discovery and Access - Proceedings of the 12th
International Conference on Electronic Publishing held in Toronto,
Canada 25-27 June 2008. Toronto. Canada, pp. 79-89