The Library became the first UCL department to achieve the Investors in People award, in June 2008. This was in recognition of its work in improving its staff development programme and in ensuring staff engagement and involvement. The existence of clear visions and targets in plans at all levels from the Library Strategy through to individual workplans was highlighted as one notable area of strength. Others include buy-in by individuals clearly aware of the impact and importance of their roles, along with the opportunity to contribute to developments.
Particular thanks are due to Diana Herman, both for co-ordinating the work required prior to assessment and for leading on the staff development and training that underpinned the Library's success.
2008 also saw the retirement, after 40 years' service, of Janet Percival, Group Manager for Planning & Resources. Janet started at UCL in 1968 as an archivist, gradually adding responsibility for Library finances, personnel and buildings to her remit. Her account of her career at UCL can be found in the Summer 2008 issue of the Library Newsletter.