
UCL Centre for Languages & International Education (CLIE)


Successful second year for the Pre-university Summer School

3 November 2017

This summer saw the second year running of the Pre-University Summer School, a 2 week course for International students in their penultimate year of high school, which aims to give students a taste of what it is like to study in a top university in London.

Twenty two students from a variety of countries in Asia and Europe were introduced to the theme of Global Citizenship and looked at the academic and personal qualities needed to succeed at university.

Pre-university summer school lab class

Students benefited from a wide range of classes, including academic English, subject-specific lessons across the sciences and humanities and participated in a laboratory session. They also developed essential research skills through exploring different topics, writing up an essay and then presenting their findings to their classmates.

Students also had fun exploring London during their free time through cultural activities and visits, including day trips to Cambridge and Brighton at the weekend.

The programme was enriched by the addition of two international students from UCL Academy, who won CLIE-funded scholarships to participate. Millod Sadaty and Pavlina Yordanova Sotirova were selected by the Academy after writing winning essays about why they should attend the course. Both students added further to the diversity of the group as well as provide a local perspective on what it is like to be an international student living and studying in London.

Both the academic content and the social programme proved popular with the students. Millod said: "my favourite topic has been climate change as it is a current and serious global problem.

"I have loved my interactions with other students - I've created good friendships and met great people."

Pavlina added "I really enjoyed studying what a global community means. The most interesting skill I learnt was Pecha Kucha [a type of presentation]. I'd never heard of it before, so I found it fascinating!"

The course will run again next year aiming to increase student numbers.