
UCL Centre for Languages & International Education (CLIE)


Portuguese Level 5

Prerequisite for entry

Successful completion of Portuguese syllabus level 4+ at UCL Language Centre or a high A-level grade (or equivalent).

Term duration

10 x 2-hour classes.

Aims and objectives

The aim of the course is to enable students who have a solid advanced knowledge of Portuguese to become as fluent as possible in the language. Students will be able to follow and participate in any discussion or debate as well as communicate in any given situation using linguistically complex and accurate structures (different types of discourses, registers etc.) Cultural awareness will be further developed. Various transferable skills will be covered.


The content of this syllabus will be like the content of level 4+, but students will work at an even higher level of linguistic accuracy and complexity. Ability to master all previously studied functions in appropriate spoken and written register will be enhanced.

Course content

Main topics/themes to be covered: 

As in level 4/4+, the content of this course will be based around a reflection on the nature of contemporary society and current affairs, including an analysis of the cultural dimension. The topics may include various current issues (as appropriate, depending on students’ interests).


  • Recognising/understanding various registers/accents
  • Recognising/understanding any kind of discourse

Grammar and linguistic structures

  • Here again the content of this syllabus will follow that of level 4+ but at an even more complex and more accurate level.
  • Gramática em revisão: discurso indireto, crase; compostos de dizer e de pedir; verbos pronominais: debater/debater-se, admirar/admirar-se de; ideias reflexivas; verbs and its prepositions (7)
  • Gramática em revisão: verbos em -ear, -uir, -iar; mudanças ortográficas; infinitivo pessoal; verbo haver; diminutivos e aumentativos; tu e você; pronomes pessoais com preposição, verbs and its prepositions (8)
  • Gramática em revisão: orações reduzidas; voz passiva: com verbos abundantes e com se preposições; para e por; dificuldades especiais da língua portuguesa (1): meio/metade, tornar/tornar-se/já/mesmo; regência nominal (1)

Learning resources


  • Main textbook: Português Via Brasil – Um urso avançado para estrangeiros
  • The tutor will be using different books and handouts for extra exercises.