
Information Services Division


Service Glossary

Service Request What does this mean?
Remove Data Cap No restrictions on Data whilst roaming, allowing user limitless spend
Add Data Cap Allows user to use '£42.50' of data before Cap is applied and Data Barred worldwide
Add Data Cap Notifications User receives text messages up to and once they have used '£42.50' worth of data
Remove Data Cap Notifications Stop receiving roamed data notifications via text message
Add roaming Bar Restrict ALL voice usage abroad
Remove roaming Bar Able to use Voice abroad
Add International Bar Restrict calling abroad stops user from making international calls whilst in the UK
Remove International Bar Able to call ANY international number from within UK ONLY.
Add International and Premium Bar Restrict calling abroad stops user from making international/Premium rate calls whilst already abroad and in the UK
Remove International and Premium Bar Able to call ANY international and Premium rate number from UK and whilst already abroad
Add Incoming Call When Abroad Bar User is unable to receive incoming calls whilst abroad
Remove Incoming Call When Abroad Bar User is able to receive incoming calls from any destination whilst abroad
Add Outgoing Call When Abroad Bar User is unable to make outgoing calls whilst abroad
Remove Outgoing Call When Abroad Bar User is able to make outgoing calls whilst abroad (dependant on other bars in place IE. International bar)
Add GPRS Bar Bars all Data being in the UK
Remove GPRS Bar User is able to use unlimitless data - incurring unlimitless charges in the UK
Add GPRS roaming Bar Bars all Data being used internationally and in the UK
Remove GPRS roaming Bar User is able to use unlimitless data - incurring unlimitless charges.
Remove Content Control Bar Allows users to use adult restricted sites
Add Content Control Bar Bars users from using adult restricted sites