The Audiovisual Service provides high quality systems and support for teaching, learning and meeting purposes.
The Audiovisual Service in broad terms is in six parts:
- Spaces & AV team – provide the Audiovisual and teaching facilities design, specification and procurement elements for new construction and refurbishment projects.
- Learning and Teaching Spaces team – provide day-to-day support for the majority of centrally-bookable spaces.
- IT for IOE team – provide day-to-day support for AV in centrally-bookable and departmental spaces within IOE buildings.
- IT for SLMS team – provide day-to-day support for AV in centrally-bookable and departmental spaces within SLMS.
- IT for SLASH team – provide day-to-day support for AV in departmental spaces within SLASH.
- Professional Services team – provide day-to-day support for AV spaces within Professional Services.
Definitive AV Service support list
Each space covered by the Audiovisual Service is the operational responsibility of one of four Service Operations Manager (SOM) teams. The current list of spaces, indicates whether a particular space is covered by the service and if so which SOM team. Log in required.
AV Services support list (Excel file)