
Information Services Division


Re: Information Governance Training

Update to all Data Safe Haven users who have not kept training up-to-date, 12th December 2018.

According to our records you have not completed information governance training in over 12 months. It is a requirement for all staff with responsibility for highly confidential information to undertake information governance training annually. As you are a user of the UCL Data Safe Haven, you have responsibility for highly confidential information and it is therefore a requirement that you must complete annual information governance training. The approved training can be obtained from e-Learning for Health.

If you have used e-Learning for Health's NHS Digital Data Security Awareness Level 1 course before, log in to the e-Learning for Health portal and find and complete the 'Data Security Awareness (NHSD)' course under 'My e-Learning'.

Details of how to register if you have not used the NHS Digital Data Security Awareness courses before are found on the Information Governance Training and Awareness service web page.

If you have had NHS-provided information governance training in the last twelve months and can show a certificate or screenshot with the relevant details, please upload a copy of your certificate and this will be approved instead of taking the above online course.

Please ensure that you have taken and registered some form of the approved information governance training before 12th January 2019. If you believe you received this update in error and have completed the approved training or will not be able to complete the training in this time please email the team via itforslms-training@ucl.ac.uk so we can update our records or discuss a suitable solution.

If after 12th January 2019 you have not completed your training or contacted us to discuss why, then your Data Safe Haven account will be disabled.

Kind Regards,

Information Governance Training and Awareness service
12th December 2018