
Information Services Division


Handling Sensitive Data

The use of sensitive, person identifiable data (PID) is integral to a large proportion of SLMS research and it is essential to ensure that it is managed in a way that meets legal requirements and provides adequate assurance to partner organizations and research subjects.

IT for SLMS offers a set of interlinked services to support SLMS researchers in meeting these requirements. To make effective use of these, we can guide and support you through the process to ensure that your study meets its information governance obligations speedily and efficiently.


Information Governance Advisory Service

The Information Governance Advisory Service exists to guide and support researchers who need to use sensitive data and, where appropriate, complete an Information Governance Toolkit submission.

Data Safe Haven (IDHS)

The SLMS Data Safe Haven (IDHS) is a technical environment for receiving, handling and storing sensitive data securely which has been certified to the ISO27001 standard and conforms to the NHS IG Toolkit.

Information Governance Training & Awareness Service

The Information Governance Training & Awareness Service manages training and promotion of information governance awareness through events, roadshows, posters, leaflets and other materials.

These services are linked to the SLMS Information Governance Framework, which puts in place the structures required to monitor and manage assurance and compliance.

IT for SLMS are working with colleagues in the Joint Research Offices, Legal Services and ISD’s Research Data Services as well as with UCL’s NHS partners to ensure a consistent approach across all points of contact with researchers.

Getting started

There isn’t a ‘one size fits all’ solution, so we typically arrange an initial meeting to assess the best way forward. At the end of this meeting, you will have a clear understanding of the work required and likely timescales. If you have a question or need further information, contact us at infogov@ucl.ac.uk

Data Safe Haven User Group

The Data Safe Haven User Group provides a forum for all users and potential users of the SLMS Data Safe Haven. The meetings are usually feature updates from the project and service teams and discussions about current or future service features. Presentations and notes from previous meetings.