Installing the Citrix Workspace for Desktop@UCL on iOS (iPhone/iPad)
How to install Citrix Workspace on your iOS device so that you can access Desktop @ UCL.
This guide is aimed at...
- Staff
- Students
- Visitors
- IT Administrators
- SLMS staff
- Researchers
Before you start...
- Access to an iPad or iPhone running iOS and connected to the internet
- You need to know your UCL user ID and password
Downloading and installing Citrix Workspace
1. Download the Citrix Workspace by either going to the Citrix website or through the Apple ‘App store’ by searching for Citrix Workspace. Once installed, locate it on your home screen and launch the application.
Fig 1 - Citrix Workspace icon
2. Click Get Started
Activate for first use
3. You will need to configure the Citrix Workspace the first time you access it. You will be prompted to enter a Store URL:
Fig 3 - Enter server address
Enter your UCL user ID for the User name: field and your UCL password for the Password: field and tap Sign In.
Fig 4 - Log on to Citrix screen
Once you are logged in you will be able to access Apps from the StoreFront. Please refer to the Using Citrix StoreFront guide for help on this.
Accessing the full desktop
It’s recommended you do not use iPhones to access the full Desktop as the screen resolution on the iPhone is not optimised to access a full Desktop.
Related guides & other info
Help & Support
For further help and assistance you will need to contact the IT Services.
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