Create a Yammer Group
Groups can be created within Yammer to provide a central space for a project or event, to start conversations, upload files or provide updates. This guide demonstrates how to create a new group.
Note: By creating a group, you become the owner and will be responsible for maintaining membership and content posted to the group.
This guide is aimed at...
- All
1. Select create a new group on the bottom-left corner of the Yammer home page.
Fig 1. Create a group option within Yammer
2. A Create a New Group window will appear. Complete the following fields:
Internal or External Group: Select Internal Group
Group Name: Set to your preference
Group Members: Enter the name or email address of those you wish to participate in the group
Who can view conversations and post messages?: Select Public Access or Private Access to your preference
List this group in our network's group directory and search results: This tick-box will only be displayed if Private Access is selected for the group. Tick or untick this option as preferred.
Note: If this option is ticked, the group will be searchable using the 'discover more groups' list within Yammer, but cannot be accessed unless permission is granted. A Private group is indicated by a padlock icon on the group's thumbnail within this list.
Select Create Group.

Fig 2. Create a New Group window
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3. The home page of the new group will now be displayed. The group name will also be visible within the list of groups you are a member of on left-hand menu of the Yammer home page.

Fig 3. New group home page and list of joined groups
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Related guides & other info
- Using Yammer Groups
- Find and Join a Yammer Group
- Change Membership and Review Membership Requests for a Yammer Group
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