Q&A with Rebecca Challice
Rebecca is an Education Studies BA student from the UK.
Why our Education Studies BA?
I spent a lot of time looking a various universities and the IOE stuck out from the very start. It seemed like a hub of knowledge and development in education which made me want to be part of it. Because I was unable to attend the undergraduate open day I asked the course administrator if she could show me around. She was very welcoming. The pragmatic support system for students also attracted me.
What were your first impressions of the IOE?
My first impression of the IOE was of a fun, professional place to study and one that was welcoming to all. Since then the IOE has always proved my first impressions right. There are quite a few student union activities and the staff are friendly.
What is the best thing about your course?
The best thing about my course is that it covers a wide range of topics and disciplines which I think is important when studying for a degree, as it keeps both your mind and options open.
What is the biggest challenge you faced while studying?
I have had a number of issues with life outside of university. The IOE have always been very understanding but at the same time always kept encouraging me to go on. The undergraduate course has a very good tutor group system where I have developed a good relationship with those in my tutor group including my tutor Steve.
What are your career goals?
I would like to go into teaching but also keep up my political career. As I believe the two interlink well and they are both something I feel passionate about. I believe my course will help me with my politics as it will help me to have informed opinions on issues related to education etc.
Is there anything else you would like to say about your time at IOE?
Even though this year has had some difficult days, I have always felt very happy and welcome at the IOE. It has a fantastic vibe and I love how there's always lots going on. The lecturers are very interesting and inspirational. They are always willing to have a conversation when you see them around the university.