
IOE - Faculty of Education and Society


International mindedness: Fuzzy concept, or promising framework for global education?

29 May 2024, 4:00 pm–5:15 pm

International School Children Chatting. Norma Mortenson/Pexels.

Join this event to hear Elisabeth Barratt Hacking explore and critique the International Baccalaureate's concept of 'International Mindedness,' one of many contemporary forms of global education.

This event is free.

Event Information

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Kester Muller

International mindedness is a concept particular to the International Baccalaureate (IB), a worldwide educational organisation. It can be described as an ideal, a concept and as practice and foundational to the IB mission.

This seminar explores the IB’s particular approach to global education, that is, how International mindedness is conceptualised and practiced. Whilst most would see the ideal of becoming internationally minded as desirable, it is nevertheless a complex and contested concept.

The seminar, chaired by Professor Doug Bourn, will also discuss some of the controversy, including tensions emerging and future directions as the global context changes.

This online event will be particularly useful for researchers and educators.

Development Education Research Centre seminar series

As part of its mission to provide learning and networking opportunities for professionals and students of development education, global learning and global citizenship, the Development Education Research Centre runs an ongoing seminar series. Events are free and open to staff, students, alumni and the public. All are welcome to attend.

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About the Speaker

Elisabeth Barratt Hacking

Head of the Department of Education at the University of Bath

Elisabeth's research focuses on children, young people and the environment.

She has published widely in the overlapping fields of global, environmental and climate change education, including research on International mindedness in policy and practice.