The bones of joblessness? Unemployment and later life health
Join this event to hear Joan Costa-i-Font discuss his research on the long-term effects of unemployment related stress on later life health.

Drawing on historical evidence of local European labour markets, Joan's research explores rich longitudinal evidence documenting causal evidence of jobless stress on bone fractures in later life.
His research suggest that joblessness induces stress on falls and a number of other health indicators such as cognitive decline, mental health and dementia, consistent with evidence from the medical literature.
This event will be particularly useful for those interested in unemployment related stress and later life health.
Please note this is a hybrid event and can be joined in-person or online.
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His research draws on insights of health, behaviour and political economics to study ‘ageing and health disadvantage’. His current projects are organised on three broad programs: the economics of healthy ageing and caregiving; behavioural incentives and health inequality; and the political economy of health and health care.
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