VIRTUAL EVENT: Asian gold: expected returns to crime and thieves behaviour
In this webinar, Arnaud Chevalier will discuss how variations in the price of goods affect the location of property crimes.

Economic theory predicts that criminals change their actions in relation to the expected pay-off.
Arnaud Chevalier and his co-authors tested this theory by looking at how changes in the price of gold affect the location of crime.
They found that areas with a large share of South Asian people face a disproportionate increase in property crime relative to other neighbourhoods in the same local authority when the price of gold goes up.
They propose that since South Asians store a greater share of their wealth in the form of gold jewellery, as data from the British Crime Survey suggests, the return to stealing from such households increases.
In this webinar, Arnaud will discuss this and the other main research findings.
QSS seminar series
In this weekly Quantitative Social Science (QSS) seminar series, speakers present research that falls under the broad umbrella of quantitative social science.
- QSS seminar series
- Quantitative Social Science
- Centre for Longitudinal Studies
- Social Research Institute
Image: Vaibhav Nagare via Unsplash
Arnaud Chevalier
Professor of Economics
Royal Holloway, University of London
Arnaud's principal interests are in applied labour economics, specifically education, health and economics of the family.
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