


Energy Materials & Storage Systems (EMS²) Group

Welcome to the Energy Materials & Storage Systems (EMS²) group in the Institute for Materials Discovery at the University College London.

We are a highly motivated research team working on the design and synthesis of advanced materials for energy storage systems (conventional and planar designs) including Zn-ion batteries, Li-ion batteries, Supercapattery, etc. In-situ/operando measurements of advanced energy materials help us in fundamental understanding the charge storage characteristics/kinetics. Further, research interest towards in the development of unconventional energy storage systems such as photo-charging and chemically self-charging.

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Group Members

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Short description... 1-2 lines Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Cras suscipit sapien vel nulla ultrices ullamcorper. Phasellus laoreet feugiat hendrerit.

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Join us

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