One key way in which an industrial partner can develop a mutually beneficial relationship with the IMD is to support an Industrial Studentship.
These relationships come in two main forms (see below) but the IMD can work with any industrial partner to ensure everyone's objectives are met.
By supporting an IMPACT studentship an industrial partner will have a highly motivated and qualified PhDS student to undertake research that they, in collaboration with the supervising scientist, can direct to ensure all research goals are met.
An IMPACT award from the university supports collaborative projects by contributing matching funds (up to £32,535) for a research studentship, which covers the fees and stipend of the student and contributes to research costs.
EPSRC CASE Studentships
The Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council (EPSRC) Industrial CASE provides funding for PhD studentships, where businesses take the lead in defining a project with the IMD.
Students receive full funding from the funding body and companies provide an additional top up to the project of around a third of this value. Over the duration of their the PhD student will spend three months with the company.
More information can be found on the UCL CASE studentship website.