Pulmonary Hypertension

Clive Handler is a consultant cardiologist and works as a Consultant in Pulmonary Hypertension in the National Pulmonary Hypertension Unit at the Royal Free Hospital.
His current research interests are in risk stratification and outcomes in pulmonary hypertension using clinical, haemodynamics, imaging techniques and a variety of biomarkers, and translational research applied to pulmonary vascular disease.
He qualified in medicine from Guy's Hospital Medical School where he also did a BSc in Pharmacology. After junior specialist posts and training in general medicine in London, he was an MRC Fellow at Guy's Hospital. His MD thesis on "Exercise testing after myocardial infarction" was awarded by the University of London. He trained in cardiology at Guy's, University College and the Middlesex Hospitals and also at St Luke's Hospital in Milwaukee. He was Consultant Cardiologist at Northwick Park and St Mary's Hospitals before being appointed to the Royal Free Hospital.
Email Address: clive.handler@btinternet.com