Macrophages & Resolution of Inflammation

Derek Gilroy is Head of the Centre for Clinical Pharmacology and Professor of Immunology at UCL. His research interests focus on examining the molecular and biochemical pathways that regulate the resolution of acute immune reactions and inflammation. His overall objective is to identify pro-resolution factors that help switch inflammation off and to develop drugs based on their mode of action in order to drive ongoing, chronic inflammatory diseases down a pro-resolution pathway, representing a novel approach to understanding and treating diseases driven by ongoing inflammation.
After receiving postdoctoral training jointly at the University of Houston, Texas, and at Academia Sinica, Taipei, Tawian, he returned to the William Harvey Research Institute before being appointed as New Blood lecturer funded as a Wellcome Trust Career Development Fellow at UCL. In 2009 he became a Wellcome Trust Senior Research Fellow and in 2010 Professor of Experimental Medicine. He was awarded the Bayer International Young Investigator Award for aspirin Research, 2005 and the British Pharmacological Society, Norvartis Award, 2007.
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