Hear from some of our students about their experience of studying on our iBSc Mathematics, Computers and Medicine programme.

“The Mathematics, Computers and Medicine iBSc was a very refreshing break from pre-clinical medicine. Whilst it’s perhaps not the most relaxing iBSc, you definitely develop skills that I think are going to be genuinely invaluable in the future. From getting to grips with coding to engaging with conceptually challenging problems, it’s a stimulating departure from the intense memorisation of pre-clinical medicine. The breadth of projects on offer was also really nice!"
Abdallah Abbas, iBSc Student 2020-21

I would thoroughly recommend choosing the Mathematics, Computers and Medicine iBSc. The course covers a broad spectrum of skills - from mathematical modelling and programming, to machine learning - which are becoming increasingly relevant to a career in medicine or research. Some of these skills have already been useful for me in my fourth year. The research projects offered are also very interesting and varied. There is one optional module, with few restrictions placed on what you could pick - you can pick something contrasting, like history or anthropology modules. While there is some hard work, if you're interested in this rapidly developing and in-demand field, completing this iBSc will be hugely rewarding!"
Karan Dahele, iBSc Student 2018-19

The Maths, Computers and Medicine iBSc is a truly unique and exciting course. The teaching is from academics at the very forefront of their field and is centred around genuinely cutting-edge technology. This was the same for my project supervisors - they were a big contribution to creating an enjoyable experience. The freedom to choose the subject of my project allowed me to combine my favourite elements of Computer Science and Maths with the most exciting parts of medicine. It was obvious to see, not only the impact that my supervisor's research and development is making in medicine, but also how my project can make an impact in medicine too. the course Director, Benny Chain, ensured that this iBSc ran smoothly and was very responsive to feedback. the course administrators, Derek and Nathan, were also both very helpful in ensuring the smooth running of this course. I have no regrets choosing this course and would definitely recommend it to anyone with any interest in combining maths, computer science and medicine."
Fiona Pereira, iBSc Student 2018-19