UCL World TB Day Symposium 2017
26 April 2017
The UCL and LSHTM World TB Day Symposium, held on Friday 24 March, addressing the WHO 'Unite to End TB' theme, was a sell-out with over 300 people attending and a further 500 watching on-line.
This was the seventh such event and the third held jointly with London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine (LSTHM). The meeting was opened by David Lomas, UCL Vice-Provost for Health and Peter Piot of LSTHM. A video address was also given by Dr Mario Raviglione, Director of WHO Global TB Programme.
The symposium covered three key topics: a natural history of TB, the role of gender in TB and TB elimination. There was also a lively debate on the motion "Is migrant screening for latent TB infection worthwhile?"
- Credit: United States Mission Geneva [CC BY 2.0], via Wikimedia Commons