IIT External Seminar Series | Prof. Pascal Meier
27 April 2023, 12:00 pm–1:00 pm
Event Information
Open to
- All
Hanh Gurr
Seminar room 207Pears BuildingRowland Hill StreetLondonNW3 2PP
Thurs 27 April 2023 | 12:00 -13:00 | Pears Building and online via Teams
"Using cell death to mobilise the immune system against cancer"
Speaker: Prof Pascal Meier from the Institute of Cancer Research UK
Host: Prof Benedict Seddon
12:00 - Seminar
13:00 - Pizza lunch with trainees
Prof. Meier’s Biosketch:
Pascal Meier received his Diploma and Ph.D. degree in Molecular Biology from the University of Zürich, Switzerland. After postdoctoral training in the laboratory of Prof. Gerard Evan at the London Research Institute (LRI, former ICRF) at Cancer Research-UK, London, he started his independent research as a group leader at the Institute of Cancer Research, London. His lab focusses on the complex relationship between Cell Death and Inflammation, and how this can be exploited to drive immunogenic cell death and mobilise the immune system against cancer. He discovered the functional role of Inhibitor of APoptosis (IAP) proteins, and how they modulate cell death and inflammatory signalling cascades. He demonstrated that IAPs function as last line of defence from caspase-mediated cell death, and that IAPs act as ubiquitin-E3 ligases and ubiquitin-receptors that regulate caspase-dependent as well as caspase-independent signalling processes. He made several key contributions, which firmly established that IAPs function at the crossroad of cell death regulation and inflammation, a viewpoint that is currently being exploited in clinical trials with pharmacological inhibitors of IAPs (SMAC mimetics). More recently, he discovered the ‘ripoptosome’, a large protein complex that functions as the body’s major stress sentinel, coordinating NF-kB and interferon signalling as well as apoptosis, necroptosis and pyroptosis. He is a member of the Young Investigator Programme (YIP, elected 2003), European Molecular Biology Organisation (EMBO, 2013), and received the Royal Society Wolfson Research Merit Award 2012.