
Division of Infection and Immunity


IIT Seminar | Dr Robert Köchl

20 September 2018, 12:00 pm–1:00 pm

'Novel kinases controlling T cell development, trafficking and immune responses'

Event Information

Open to



Professor Benedict Seddon (Host)


Tutorial Room 14
UCL Medical School, Royal Free Campus
Rowland Hill Street
United Kingdom

Dr Robert Köchl of the Division of Immunology, Infection and Inflammatory Disease (DIIID) at King's College London will be speaking at the UCL Institute of Immunity and Transplantation Seminar Series on Thursday 20 September.

Dr Köchl’s group focuses on understanding the molecular and cellular mechanisms that underpin cell adhesion and migration. Mutations in genes that control the homing of immune cells to secondary lymph nodes, or their adhesion to antigen presenting cells lead to a group of immunodeficiencies collectively known as Leukocyte Adhesion Deficiencies. Many autoimmune disease are also characterized by alterations in adhesion or chemokine receptor expression levels, or mutations in the signalling molecules in these pathways. These changes can lead to enhanced activation and recruitment of lymphocytes, leading to chronic inflammation. Dr Köchl aims to uncover novel regulators of cell adhesion and migration in order to better understand how these pathways are triggered and regulated, how they go wrong in human disease, and ultimately whether they can be targeted for therapeutic intervention.

The seminar will be held in Tutorial Room 14 at the UCL Medical School Royal Free Campus. All are welcome to attend. If you would like to meet the speaker after the seminar please contact the host.

Further information