Internal and external funding opportunities for research staff.
Major research funders
Find details of major research funding opportunities relevant to UCL Life and Medical Sciences researchers, and access the GRANTfinder 4 Education online database of research funding opportunities.
UCL Funding Opportunities
Discover internal funding schemes available at UCL.
The Academy of Medical Sciences SUSTAIN Programme
An innovative programme of training and support for female researchers to develop leadership and career potential.
British Federation of Women Graduates
Funding opportunities for women graduates.
Daphne Jackson Trust Fellowships
Retraining programme for STEM professionals wishing to return to research after a break of two or more years.
L'Oreal/UNESCO Women in Science
Fellowships to promote, enhance and encourage the contribution of women pursuing research careers.
Wellcome Trust Career Re-entry Fellowship Scheme
Scheme for postdoctoral research scientists to re-establish their career after a continuous break of at least two years.
The Royal Society Dorothy Hodgkin Fellowship
Scheme offering first step into independent research for early career scientists requiring flexible working pattern.