Attentional Therapy for the Treatment of Neglect Disorder: Using virtual reality to treat visual neglect after a stroke
Eye-Search is a free online therapy for patients with visual search problems caused by brain injury. It is a clinically proven, behavioural therapy designed to improve patients' speed and accuracy when finding objects.
Read-Right is a therapeutic web-based app for people with hemianopic alexia (HA). HA is a condition caused by focal brain damage (e.g. stroke) which damages a person’s vision relating to one half of the visual world (usually to the right in HA). As a result, HA readers are deprived of the upcoming words when reading which results in HA readers making many extra eye-movements. The app displays scrolling text, which retrains the eye movements important for reading.
iReadMore is a new reading therapy app designed to improve word-reading speed and accuracy in people who have language problems (aphasia) after stroke. Our research demonstrates that iReadMore is effective. Please email for more information.
Listen-In is a digital therapy app for people with aphasia. Therapy tasks aim to improve understanding of spoken words. Results from the clinical trial showed Listen-In is effective at improving comprehension of practiced words. The app will be available soon on Google Play (from March 2021). Please email for more information.
iTalkbetter is a digital therapy app for people with post-stroke aphasia and word retrieval impairments. The app is currently being tested in a clinical trial with persons with aphasia.
Gotcha! is a digital therapy app for people with mild-moderate Alzheimer’s disease who have difficulties naming people they know well. The app is currently being tested in a clinical trial with persons with dementia.