Every week during term time, the Institute of Cognitive Neuroscience invites an external speaker to present their work, discuss and mutually inspire. This series of seminars is open to all.
ICN Seminars are held on Mondays at 3.15pm at the Institute of Cognitive Neuroscience, Alexandra House, 17-19 Queen Square, WC1N 3AZ, Room B10
Any questions / reasonable adjustments to be made : Please email Beth Allen (beth.allen@ucl.ac.uk)
20 | Jan | Professor Carolyn McGettigan UCL Speech Hearing and Phonetic Sciences, Division of Psychology & Language Sciences Title: Perceiving personally-relevant voices Host: Professor Sophie Scott |
03 | Feb | TBC |
10 | Feb | Professor Patrick Healey Queen Mary University of London, Head of Cognitive Science Research Group, Faculty of Science ad Engineering Title: TBC Host: Professor Sophie Scott |
24 | Feb | TBC |
03 | March | Professor Karen Emmorey - This seminar will start at 3:30pm SDSU, School of Speech, Language and Hearing Sciences, Laboratory for Language and Cognitive Title: The unique behavioral and neural profile of skilled deaf readers Host: Professor Mairead MacSweeney |
10 | March | Dr Maria Herrojo Rui Goldsmiths University, Reader at the Department of Psychology Title: Computational perspectives on performance anxiety Host: Professor Guido Orgs |
17 | March | Professor Nico Shuck Max Planck Institute for Human Develeopment, Neural and Computational Bass of Learning. Memory and Decision Making Title: TBC Host: Professor Sam Gilert |
24 | March | Giacomo Novembre Cogntive Neuroscienist, Neuroscience of Perception and Action Laboratory, Italy Title: TBC Host: Professor Guido Orgs |