
Institute of Brand and Innovation Law


Registered trade marks - a system in crisis and what's to be done?

By Professor Sir Robin Jacob and Dr Lynne Chave, UCL Institute of Brand and Innovation Law


16 November 2022

Publication details

Robin Jacob and Lynne Chave, ‘Registered trade marks - a system in crisis and what's to be done?’ [2022] Intellectual Property Quarterly 169


This article is based on a keynote speech delivered by Sir Robin Jacob at the Retromark Conference, 24 May 2022. It reviews the development of trade mark law since the Trade Marks Act 1994 came into force, and identifies areas of poor practices which have taken root under the EU Trade Mark Directives. It argues that the trade mark registration system is not fit for purpose, and proposes changes which might reduce at least some of the unnecessary burden that it currently places on legitimate businesses.