
Institute of Brand and Innovation Law


Pan-European Seal Professional Traineeship Programme

UCL Laws is a member of the prestigious Pan-European Seal Professional Traineeship Programme with the EU Intellectual Property Office (EUIPO) and the European Patent Office (EPO).

PES logo

UCL is one of only a few UK universities to be a member of the prestigious Pan-European Seal (PES) Professional Traineeship Programme – a partnership with Europe’s leading Intellectual Property (IP) organisations: the EU Intellectual Property Office (EUIPO) and the European Patent Office (EPO). Under the Pan-European Seal, UCL students having a strong IP law profile, particularly those on the LLM in Intellectual Property Law programme, or those completing a PhD in an intellectual property law subject, may apply for a 12-months paid traineeships at the EUIPO or the EPO commencing in the autumn after they graduate. In addition to the PES traineeships, students and academics from UCL are also invited to participate in a number of exclusive PES events throughout the year.

Under the PES Traineeship Programme, students can apply for a position based at the EPO (generally at the headquarters in Munich, Germany) or one based at the EUIPO (generally at the headquarters in Alicante, Spain). Both provide recent graduates with invaluable professional work experience in a multi-cultural environment, thereby bridging the gap between university and the competitive professional world of work in the IP sector. Those graduates selected to take part in the scheme will follow a tailored development programme, with a monthly stipend (around €1,200 for EUIPO and around €2,200 for the EPO in 2024) while also gaining on-the-job training by office staff, and having access to other training and language courses.

EUIPO and EPO buildings

We update the information about the programme and how to apply each year, once we have received updated information from the PES Programme organisers. For those wishing to apply for a traineeship position starting in September 2025, the deadline to submit your internal application (Stage 1, see below) is noon (12pm GMT) of 20 January 2025. Applications should be submitted by email to ibil@ucl.ac.uk.

For futher information on the PES scheme, please contact Dr Alina Trapova, who is the PES point of contact for UCL. Dr Trapova is well-equipped to answer your questions, as she took part in the PES Programme herself at the EUIPO in 2015-2016.

Who may apply for a PES traineeship?

Law students will meet the general eligibility criteria if they are: (i) enrolled on the LLM programme or PhD programme and will have completed their course by the September of the year in which the traineeship begins; (ii) can demonstrate a strong knowledge and interest in the field of intellectual property law (e.g., study of IP modules and/or LLM/PhD research in this field); and (iii) can demonstrate personal motivation to work in an international IP environment at either the EPO or EUIPO.

Each office then has additional requirements (see below).

EUIPO additional eligibilty criteria

To meet the EUIPO eligibility criteria, as well as meeting the general criteria (above) you will also need to:

  • Be a national of one of the EU Member states (although a very limited number of trainees from the UK and other non-EU countries may be selected)
  • Have at least a certified CEF level B1 in English, French, German, Italian, and/or Spanish
  • Previous participation in international programmes, such as Erasmus+, is an advantage.
  • Additional experience demonstrating skills such as communication, problem-solving, innovation, leadership, teamwork and flexibility, is an advantage.
EPO additonal eligibility criteria

To meet the EPO PES traineeship eligibility criteria, as well as meeting the general criteria (above), you will also need to be:

  • a national of one of the EPO member states; and
  • be proficient in at least one official EPO language (English, French or German), although proficency in additional langauges are an advantage. 
How to apply

The application process is in two stages. The first is an internal selection process by UCL Laws (Stage 1) to shortlist candidates for each office. Shortlisted candidates will then be invited to submit their application directly to the EUIPO or the EPO (Stage 2). Applicants who receive confirmation that they have been shortlisted by UCL at Stage 1 are then responsible for applying directly to the relevant office before the set deadline set by the Offices via the EUIPO online platform or the EPO online platform (as appropriate). Each institution requires separate application documents.

Application: Stage 1

Students meeting the eligiblity requirements will be invited to submit an internal application to the UCL PES Coordinator. This will include a short, up-to-date CV (up to two pages), along with a covering one-page letter, explaining how the eligibility criteria (see above) are met and the motivation for pursuing a traineeship at the relevant institution(s). Applicants must specify whether they are interested in a placement at the EUIPO, at the EPO or both.

All applications received will be reviewed, and a shortlist of candidates will be selected for each institution. While Stage 1 applications can be for both offices, a candidate can only be shortlisted for one of the institutions. 

Please note that at Stage 1, CVs may be in any format, but those progressing to Stage 2, will be required to provide a CV in the Europass format. Therefore, for ease, applicants may prefer to use the Europass format for both stages.

Application: Stage 2

Applicants who receive confirmation that they have been shortlisted by UCL at Stage 1 are then responsible for applying directly to the relevant office before the set deadline set by the Offices via the EUIPO online platform or the EPO online platform (as appropriate). Each institution requires separate application documents.

For EUIPO-shortlisted candidates: Up-to-date CV in Europass format; Letter of motivation in any of the 5 working languages of the EUIPO (English, French, German, Italian, Spanish); Degree certificate (a provisional declaration may be submitted pending the conferral of your current UCL degree, but you will need to supply certificates for earlier degree courses that you have completed); Certificate(s) of completion of at least one of the following EUIPO online courses: EUTM in a Nutshell and/or RCD in a Nutshell.

For EPO-shortlisted candidates: Up-to-date CV in Europass format; Letter of motivation; and Degree certificates (a provisional declaration may be submitted pending the conferral of your current UCL degree, but you will need to supply certificates for earlier degree courses that you have completed).

The Offices will evaluate all timely applications received from shortlisted applicants and will make the final decision on participation in the Pan-European Seal Programme. Successful applicants will be offered a traineeship agreement with either EUIPO or EPO for a duration of 12 months starting in September/October each year. (Applications received from students who have not been shortlised by UCL will be ignored.) 

This is a highly competitive process, since the UCL applicants are considered alongside applications from around 130 universities from across Europe. Typically, each Office selects around 100 trainees from a variety of backgrounds, based on academic merit and personal motivation, as well as the current institutional needs of the offices. Unfortunately, therefore, candidates who are shortlisted by UCL Laws are by no means guaranteed to be offered a traineeship.

N.B. Applicants are responsible for making sure that they have the correct visa, where applicable, and that they obtain all the documentation required by the authorities of the country in which they will be based before commencing their traineeship.

    More Information

    Before applying to take part in PES, please review the PES EPO website and the PES EUIPO website, and read the EPO FAQs and EUIPO FAQs carefully. There, you will find more detailed information including the traineeship profiles, which are different in the two Offices.

    PES IP Learning Resources

    Access the European Patent Academy and EUIPO Academy materials.