Find out more about the events held in 2017
Equivalents: K = Na. Is the genie out of the bottle?
1 November 2017

About the event:
On 1st November 2017, UCL Faculty of Laws Institute of Brand and Innovation Law brought together an unrivalled panel of European judges to discuss the Actavis UK Ltd v. Eli Lilly & Co [2017] UKSC 48 judgment from a range of perspectives.
- Professor Sir Robin Jacob, Sir Hugh Laddie Chair of Intellectual Property Law, UCL Faculty of Laws (Chair)
- Lord Neuberger of Abbotsbury, President of the Supreme Court of the UK
- Lord Sumption, Justice of the Supreme Court of the UK
- Professor Dr. Peter Meier-Beck, Presiding Judge of the German Federal Court of Justice
- Judge Rian Kalden, Head of the IP Division, Court of Appeal, The Hague.
- Judge Kathleen O'Malley
Find out more about the event here or watch the video on our YouTube channel.
Question the Trade Mark Judges
18 October 2017

About the event:
A this joint IBIL and MARQUES event, the Chair, The Rt Hon Professor Sir Robin Jacob, posed a set of pre-selected questions from the audience to a panel of trade mark judges.
- The Rt Hon Sir John Mummery (former Lord Justice of Appeal and is President of the Investigatory Powers Tribunal and member of the Court of Ecclesiastical Causes Reserved in the UK)
- Amanda Michaels (Appointment Person / Recorder and Deputy Enterprise Judge in the IPEC)
- David Keeling (Former Member of the EUIPO Boards of Appeal)
- Camille Lignieres (Judge at the Tribunal de Grande Instance de Paris).
Find out more about the event here or watch the video on our YouTube channel.
On Trial: Mozart and Other Pirates

1 June 2017
About the event
Mozart was not quite 15 when he wrote the opera Mitridate, re di Ponto. But did he copy, borrow or plagiarise (words which mean the same but carry different overtones) too much? Chrisophe Rousset, who has spent 25 years exploring and championing the music of Mozart’s forgotten contemporaries (Salieri, Paisiello, Jomelli), will discuss and illustrate with examples what Mozart and others did in an age where there was no copyright. Suppose modern copyright law had applied then. Would Mozart have been an infringer – a “pirate” as the old-fashioned word has it? Modern instances of infringement or alleged infringement will be played for discussion with the audience and comparison with what Mozart did.
- Christophe Rousset (Founder and leader of Les Talens Lyriques and scholar of the Baroque and Classical pre-Romantic periods)
- Professor Sir Robin Jacob (Hugh Laddie Professor of Intellectual Property Law, UCL)
- His Honour Michael Fysh QC SC (Former Chairman of the Copyright Tribunal and Judge of the then-called Patents County Court)
Find out more about the event here or watch the video on our YouTube channel.
Copyright Law and Freedom of Speech
8 February 2017

About the event:
Copyright law often thought to be designed to embody an appropriate balance between the need to allow copyright owners control over uses of copyright works (thereby providing an incentive for creativity) and the need to preserve some access to those works for socially valuable uses. Increasingly, however, copyright law has been subject to the criticism that it no longer strikes the right balance between control and access. Chaired by Professor Sir Robin Jacob (UCL IBIL), this event investigated the interaction between copyright law and the protection of freedom of speech from a number of different angles.
- Judge M Margaret McKeown (US Court of Appeal, 9th Circuit)
- Jonathan Griffiths (Professor of Intellectual Property Law, Queen Mary University of London)
- Julia Reda (Member of the European Parliament, Pirate Party)
- John Halton (Assistant General Counsel, Financial Times)
Find out more about the event here.