Find out more about our events in 2015
Future of Innovation in Medicine: Incentives for New Medical Treatments and Global Health
3 - 4 December 2015, Seattle
The conference will address various proposals and issues for promoting additional protection for new uses and new dosage regimens of old drugs. These additional protections may encourage the development of such new uses and regimes and ensure the ability to recoup the high costs to develop, manufacture and seek approval of them. However, some are concerned that they may also have a negative impact on global health and access to medicine in developing and emerging market economies because they argue that they extend protections for pharmaceutical compounds and their uses after the original new chemical entity patent has expired.
See further information at:
Organised by:
- Rt. Hon. Professor Sir Robin Jacob, University College London (UK)
- Prof. Toshiko Takenaka, Co-Director, CASRIP, UWSL (USA)
IP and Ethics: The impact of ethical considerations on the existence or enforcement of IP Rights
18th November 2015
About the Event:
This Seminar examines the impact of ethical considerations on the existence or enforcement of IP rights, and in particular, it examines the exclusions from patentability in the Biotech Directive, including its interpretation by the CJEU in Brüstle and International Stem Cell Corporation, the EPO Enlarged Board Decisions on plant patentability in Broccoli II and Tomatoes II, and the exclusions under Art. 53(a) of the EPC ("ordre public" or morality). It also considers the extent to which unethical works may be deprived of copyright or are unenforceable, and whether trade mark registration should be denied to those who seek to exploit marks such as "Je Suis Charlie" and "MH370".
- Mr Justice Henry Carr (Judge of the High Court of England and Wales)
- Professor Pete Coffey (Professor of Visual Psychophysics, UCL Institute of Ophthalmology)
- Professor Aurora Plomer (Professor of Law and Bioethics, University of Sheffield)
- Professor Lionel Bently (Herchel Smith Professor of Intellectual Property Law, University of Cambridge)
- The Rt. Hon. Professor Sir Robin Jacob (Chair)
Find out more about the event here or watch the recording on our YouTube channel.
Patents in Telecoms Conference
5th - 6th November 2015, Washington DC
Key topics include:
- The Future Antitrust Regulation of Telecoms
- Standard Setting Organisations
- How to Calculate FRAND
- Patent Assertion Entities
- Injunctions
- Manufacturers
- Operators
- Judges Panel on the Unified Patent Court
Chair: Professor Sir Robin Jacob (UCL Laws)
The UCL Institute of Brand and Innovation Law, George Washington University’s Faculty of Law, GSMA, ITU and ETSI, hosted their 2nd Conference on Patents in Telecoms on Thursday 5th and Friday 6th November 2015 in Washington D.C. The two-day conference was a unique gathering of industry, the judiciary and regulators from the US, Europe and Asia. It has been organised by Professor Sir Robin Jacob (UCL Laws), Antoine Dore (ITU), Michael Loch (GSMA), Christian Loyau (ETSI) and Professor Marty Adelman (George Washington University).
See the conference programme, slides and other details at:
Question the Trade Mark Judges
14th October 2015
About the event:
A this joint IBIL and MARQUES event, the Chair, The Rt Hon Professor Sir Robin Jacob, posed a set of pre-selected questions from the audience to a panel of trade mark judges.
- Nicholas Forwood QC (former Judge of the General Court, Court of Justice of the European Union)
- Marianne Grabrucker (former Presiding Judge in the Trade Mark Boards of the Bundespatentgericht (German Federal Patents Court))
- Geoffrey Hobbs QC (barrister, One Essex Court, and senior “Appointed Person” hearing Appeals from the UK Registrar of Trade Marks)
- Oliver Morris (UK Intellectual Property Office Senior Hearing Officer)
Find out more about the event here or watch the recording on our YouTube channel.
The Average Consumer in Trade Mark Law
25 February 2015
About the event:
The notional 'average consumer' plays a pivotal role in trade mark, both in determining the registrability and infringement of trade marks. This panel discussion sought to identify who the average consumer is, the attributes they possess and how far context and jurisdiction makes a difference.
- Professor Dr Alexander von Mühlendahl, Former Vice President of OHIM
- Laura Heymann, Vice Dean and Professor of Law at William and Mary Law School
- James Mellor QC, Barrister at 8 New Square and co-author of Kerly on Trade Marks
- Jenny Barker, Assistant General Counsel at GlaxoSmithKline
- Dr Ilanah Fhima, UCL (Chair)
Find out more about the event here or watch the recording on our YouTube channel.
IP and Trade Secrets
14th January 2015
About the event:
This event considered the Commissions proposals for the Trade Secrets Directive and the practical considerations for companies globally after the Directive comes into force.
- The Rt Hon Professor Sir Robin Jacob (Chair)
- Roger Burt (former President, CIPA)
- Jorge Novais Goncalves (European Commission)
- Professor Tanya Aplin (King’s College London)
- Daniel Alexander QC (8 New Square)
- Mark Trafford (Criminal Bar Association)
- Dr Bobby Mukherjee (BAE Systems)
- Doug Davidson (Cap Gemini)
- Professor Anselm Kamperman-Sanders (Maastricht University)
Find out more about the event here.