Thursday, 19 March 2020 | Transnational Disruptions: Decline, Renewal, or Change? | London School of Economics, FAW 9.04 | The LSE Graduate Conference 2020 (in association with the UCL Centre for Transnational History) will address the theme "Transnational Disruptions: Decline, Renewal, Change? The Erosion of the Post-Cold War Liberal International Order". More information is available here. |
October 2019 - ongoing | Reading Group on Travel Writing | Room 212, UCL History Department, 26 Gordon Square | As part of our current thematic focus, we are meeting regularly during term time as a reading group discussing recent literature on Travel Writing, approaching it from a multi-disciplinary perspective. To get involved, please email |
Monday, 29 April 2019, 18:00-19:30 | IAS Book Launch: Re-Mapping Centre and Periphery | IAS Common Ground, Ground Floor, South Wing, UCL | The IAS is delighted to host the book launch of 'Re-mapping Centre and Periphery: Asymmetrical Encounters in European and Global Contexts', edited by Tessa Hauwedell (UCL), Axel Körner (UCL) and Ulrich Tiedau (UCL). Discussants: Chloe Ireton (UCL) and Joseph Viscomi (BBK). This book launch is supported by the School of European Languages, Culture and Society (SELCS), the Centre for Transnational History (CTH) and the Institute of Advanced Studies (IAS), UCL. The event is free. More information is available here. |
Wednesday 13 March 2019, 17:30 | "Social Movements and Revolutionary Imagination: Reassessing the Italian 1969 'Hot Autumn' in a Transnational Perspective". Round-table discussion with Stefan Berger (Institute for Social Movements, Ruhr University Bochum, Germany); Ilaria Favretto (Kingston) and Xavier Vigna (Paris Nanterre) | UCL Drayton House (Economics), 30 Gordon St, London WC1H 0AX, room B04 | This event is organised by the UCL Centre for Transnational History, in Collaboration with the IHR Modern Italian History and IHR Rethinking Modern Europe Seminar Series. Chair: Nico Pizzolato (Middlesex). |
Wednesday, 16 January 2019, 17:30 | IHR Modern Italian History Seminar: Fernanda Gallo (Bath): Hegel in Italy. Nationality and State in Risorgimento Political Thought | UCL History Department, 26 Gordon Sq, room G.09 | Part of the "Modern Italian History" seminar series of the Institute of Historical Research. Co-hosted by the UCL Centre for Transnational History. Chair: Axel Körner |
Wednesday, 27 September 2017, 17:15 | History of Political Ideas Seminar. Roundtable Discussion: Axel Körner, America in Italy: the United States in the Political Thought and Imagination of the Risorgimento, 1763-1865 | Institute of Historical Research, Wolfson Room I | Please join us for the first meeting of the 2017-18 edition of the history of political Ideas seminar. We will host a roundtable discussion of Axel Körner's new book, America in Italy: the United States in the Political Thought and Imagination of the Risorgimento, 1763-1865 (Princeton University Press, 2017). Introduction by Maurizio Isabella (QMUL); comments by Georgios Varouxakis (QMUL) and Carlo Capra (University of Milan). |
Friday, 2 June 2017, 17:30 | Book Launch: Axel Körner, America in Italy: the United States in the Political Thought and Imagination of the Risorgimento, 1763-1865 | University College London, IAS Common Ground, G11, South Wing, Wilkins Building | Sponsored by Princeton University Press. Book launch of Axel Körner's new book, America in Italy: the United States in the Political Thought and Imagination of the Risorgimento, 1763-1865. Introduced by prof. Richard Bourke (QMUL). Poster |
Monday, 13 June 2016, 9:00-17:00 | Workshop: Squatting in East and West Europe | School of Slavonic and East European Studies, 16 Taviton Street, room 432 | A workshop for graduate students, postgrads and established scholars Poster Schedule |
Thursday, 23 June, 6pm, 2016 | UCL Centre for Transational History, Annual Lecture: Nicola Miller (UCL), Republics of Knowledge: Reinterpreting the World from Latin America? | Pearson G22 Lecture Theatre, University College London, WC1E 6BT (followed by a reception in the North Cloisters) | |
23-24 June, 2016 | Remapping Centre and Periphery: Asymmetrical Encounters in European and Global Context, 1500-2000 | University College London | Sponsored by the European Institute and the Grand Challenge Intercultural Interaction, This two-day workshop examines historical mechanisms of cultural and intellectual exchange across the globe. Historians often assume a one-directional transmission of knowledge, leading to the establishment of intellectual and political hierarchies between centres and peripheries. Instead, this workshop investigates the asymmetrical and multi-directional structure of these encounters within Europe as well as in global context.
Organisers: Tessa Hauswedell, Axel Körner, Jospehine Salverda, Ulrich Tiedau. |
21 May, 2016, 1.30pm | UCL Public Symposium: What is Latin about Latin America? | Institute of Advanced Studies Common Ground, Wilkins Building, University College London, Gower St, WC1E 6BT | Why are the diverse modern nations created from the overthrow of Iberian rule in the Americas known as "Latin" America? This symposium is an opportunity to explore the significance of European classical antiquity in the history and culture of the Americas, and to debate what it might mean for our understanding of the idea of civilization. Full details here. |
19-20 May, 2016 | Warburg Conference: Classical Traditions in Latin American History | The Warburg Institute, Woburn Square, London WC1H 0AB | Organised in collaboration with the Warburg Institute, with generous additional support from the Institute of Classical Studies. |
Wednesday, March, 9th, 2016, 17.30 | Lecture: Nathan Wachtel (Collège de France), The 'Jewish Indian Theory': the Problem of the Origin of the American Populations (XVI-XVIICenturies) | UCL Gustave Tuck Lecture Theatre, Wilkins Building, Gower St, WC1E 6BT | With the discovery of an unknown continent during the late fifteenth and early sixteenth centuries not only was a radical change brought about in traditional representations of the world. The West was now also faced with the revelation of the existence of another humankind, an 'otherness' all the more radical because even the possibility of its existence had never been imagined. Numerous questions now came to the fore: what were the origins of these savages (labelled from the start as 'Indians' following on Columbus' original mistake); how had this continent come to be inhabited? Chroniclers, theologians and cosmographers proposed numerous answers: the population of the Americas could be the result of migrations of all kinds: Egyptians, Phoenicians, Carthaginians, Vikings, Tartars and even Chinese. However, the most popular theory, which persisted for at least three centuries, was that the American Indians were the descendants of the Ten Lost Tribes of Israel. This lecture focuses on the 'Jewish Indian Theory', first in the Hispanic world (Diego Durán, Gregorio García, Diego Andrés Rocha) and then in North-Western Europe, especially the Netherlands (Menasseh ben Israel) and England (Thomas Thoroughgood). The 'Jewish Indian Theory' remained widely accepted until the nineteenth century, exemplified by Lord Edward Kingsborough and also Joseph Smith's Book of Mormon. UCL Institute of the Americas (UCL-IA), the Centre for Transnational History (CTH) and the Institute of Jewish Studies (IJS) are honoured to host Professor Wachtel to deliver this lecture at UCL, co-organized by Professor David Lehmann (Cambridge), Professor Axel Korner (CTH) and Dr Paulo Drinot (UCL-IA). Attendance is free of charge but registration is required and can be done here. A drinks reception will be served after the lecture at the South Cloisters, Wilkins Building |
Wednesday, Febryart, 24th, 2016, 17.30 | Presentation of two new books (held as part of the Institute of Historical Research's Modern Italian History series) | Past & Present Room, N202, 2nd floor, Institute for Historical Research, North Block, Senate House | Enrico dal Lago (NUI Galway)
Discussants: Eugenio Biagini (Cambridge) Nico Pizzolato (Middlesex) Chair: Axel Körner |
Wednesday, February, 10th, 2016, 17.30 | Conceptualising the Italian South (seminar held as part of the Institute of Historical Research's Modern Italian History series) | Past & Present Room, N202, 2nd floor, Institute for Historical Research, North Block, Senate House |
Fridays at Irregular Intervals in Term Time (TBC) | Passionate Politics Reading Group Meetings | Room 212, UCL History Department, 26 Gordon Square | The Passionate Politics Reading Group meets once a term to discuss, from a multi-disciplinary perspective, topics inherent to the intersection of human emotions and political life. Texts discussed this year include:
20 May 2015, 5.30pm | CTH Annual Lecture: Giuseppe Mazzini in (and beyond) the History of Human Rights | Institute of Archaeology, G6 Lecture Theatre | Samuel Moyn (Professor of Law and History, Harvard University), Introduction: Axel Körner (UCL Centre for Transnational History) Virginia Mantouvalou (UCL Centre for Human Rights) will present a vote of thanks. The lecture will be followed by a reception. A poster is attached. The event is free and there is no registration. |
20 March, 2015, 10.30am-6.30pm | Passionate Politics Workshop | Torrington Room, Senate House | There is an influential tradition of thought, stretching from the Stoics to Kant and Rawls, according to which the passionate side of human nature is construed as antithetical to the good life. Taking a fresh look at this relationship, the UCL-based research group 'Passionate Politics' engages with the way affective forces shape political movements, personal and group identities. In the first public workshop of the series, political theorists, philosophers, anthropologists, scholars of literature and music have been invited to explore how their disciplinary fields conceptualise the passions. This workshop will showcase how thinking across disciplinary boundaries can open up new vistas on the relationship between the passions and human nature. |
26 November, 2014, 5.30pm | Discussion of: Paul Corner, The Fascist Party and Popular Opinion in Mussolini's Italy(Oxford University Press, 2012). | G09/10 25 Gordon Square | Discussion of: Paul Corner (University of Siena),The Fascist Party and Popular Opinion in Mussolini's Italy (Oxford University Press, 2012). Introduction: Axel Körner (UCL) Discussants: Jane Caplan (Oxford), Stephen Lovell (KCL) Chair: Carl Levy (Goldsmiths) The event will be followed by a drinks reception. |
29 March, 2014, 2pm | Global communities and critical citizenship: The future citizen | Tate Modern | This panel will look at the changing idea of the global citizen, from whistle blowers to protestors and migrants, that inform an idea of the future citizen. *Reduced price tickets available with code CITIZN |
28 April, 2014, 5pm | Big History: How not to write a global history of the 17th century | JZ Young Lecture Theatre | Geoffrey Park (Ohio State University), Alexander Samson (UCL Centre for Early Modern Exchanges), Axel Korner (UCL Centre for Transnational Studies), Jonathan Holmes (UCL Geography). |
1-2 May, 2014 | Postwar Cosmopolitanism. Political universalism between the Seven-Years'-War and the Cold War | This interdisciplinary project explores linkages between war and cosmopolitanism from the eighteenth to the twenty-first centuries. The results will be presented at a conference that will take place on 1-2 May 2014, hosted by UCL's Centre for Transnational History. Please visit this site for further updates. | |
9:30am to 17:00pm 19 September, 2013 | Crossing Borders: People and Objects in Movement from 1500 to the Present Graduate Conference | This day-long conference will focus on the exchange and movement of people, ideas and objects across national boundaries. Transnational history has become an increasingly popular subject of study among social and cultural historians. The aim of this conference is to tap into this trend by looking beyond the rigid category of the nation to explore how people and objects moved across borders. Organised by the UCL Centre for Transnational History and supported by the UCL Grand Challenge Intercultural Interaction, this conference offers an opportunity for graduate students to present papers in an encouraging, exploratory environment. We seek papers primarily from those with a background in history, but contributors from other disciplines are most welcome. Papers may include, but are not limited to: - Mercantile networks - Art, music and literature - Consumption culture - Diplomacy - Tourism, the Grand Tour, travel writing, anthropology - Science and technology - Diaspora and exile - Non elite border crossers - soldiers, fishermen, traders, etc. The conference will include an introductory address by Professor Axel Körner, who is the Director of the UCL Centre for Transnational History. Proposals of 250 words, including a title, for papers lasting no more than twenty minutes should be submitted by Friday, 5th July to Attendance of the conference is free, but we do request that you register by email before the event. More details can be found on our Facebook events page, 'Crossing Borders: People and Objects in Movement'. We look forward to seeing you there! | |
Mondays at Irregular Intervals in Term Time (TBC) | Meetings of the CTH working group on Cosmopolitanism | Department of History, Room 212 | The working group on Cosmopolitanism explores concepts and practices of cosmopolitanism in comparative perspective. Our aim is to produce a genealogy of works and objects through which we can analyse the transformation of the cosmopolitan ideal and its critiques. We usually do so by reading secondary texts associated with the modern revival of cosmopolitan political theories after the end of the Cold War. Three sessions in 2012 were devoted to the writings of Immanuel Kant, Johann Gottfried Herder, and Giuseppe Mazzini, which we read in conjunction with texts by Charles Taylor, Nadia Urbinati, and others. In the summer, we will turn to Fougeret de Monbron and the 18th century reception of Stoicism. In the Autumn of 2012, we will discuss different genres of cosmopolitan thought (treatises, travelogues, novels), and we also plan to look at non-European theories of cosmopolitanism. This group is open to academic staff, including visiting scholars, and graduate students who would be prepared to present their own work or a literature review on this topic at least once throughout the series. Participants can approach the topic from a particular angle related to their ongoing work. For more details, visit our wikipage at If you are interested in joining us, please contact the conveners, Dr Dina and Dr Simon |
Tuesday, 21 May, 2013 | Conference: China in Latin America | DOWNLOAD THE PROGRAMME HERE The conference is organised by the UCL Centre for Transnational History and the UCL Centre for Chinese Health and Humanity, with support of the UCL Institute of the Americas and UCL Grand Challenges Intercultural Interactions. The Conference is free to students and academics. To attend please register here | |
Tuesday, 14 May 2013 at 5.30 | Larry Wolff (New York University), Western Perspectives on Eastern Europe: New Mental Mapping after the Cold War | Chadwick Lecture Theatre B05 (near the UCL main entrance on Gower Street, on the right) | Introduction: Axel Körner (UCL) Vote of thanks: Wendy Bracewell (UCL-SSEES) The lecture will be followed by a reception in the North Cloisters. Larry Wolff is Professor of History and Director of the Center for European and Mediterranean Studies at New York University. He works on the history of Eastern Europe, the Habsburg Monarchy, the Enlightenment, and on the history of childhood. His most recent books include Paolina's Innocence: Child Abuse in Casanova's Venice (2012) and The Idea of Galicia: History and Fantasy in Habsburg Political Culture (2010). Abstract: This lecture will discuss the idea of Eastern Europe, as first conceived in the eighteenth century, and how that idea has been recently transformed during the twenty years since the end of the Cold War. Because the Cold War gave the idea of Eastern Europe its most concrete geopolitical meaning during the communist period, the post-communist period has witnessed a complex transformation of general ideas about the region, most notably in relation to the fall of communism and the entrance of so many lands of Eastern Europe into NATO and the European Union. The lecture will make use of images and commentary, principally from the media and recent popular culture, in order to attempt to demonstrate the ways in which the idea and imagery of Eastern Europe has been altered during the last two decades. The event is generously sponsored by UCL Grand Challenge Intercultural Interaction and the The European Institute. |
5.30-7.30 p.m., Monday 4 February 2013 | Gogol and the Gauchos Film screening of 'Cossacks in Argentina' (2010) and conversation with director Federico Windhausen | Room 432, SSEES, 16 Taviton St | In 1962, the Hollywood film studio, Universal, released Taras Bulba, starring Yul Brynner and Tony Curtis. This film was an adaptation of Gogol's short story (1835, revised 1842) and depicts, in neo-Romantic opulence, the story of the eponymous hero and his cossack band's war against the Poles. The main scenes of the film were shot in the Northern Argentinian city of Salta, where thousands of extras were employed. Windhausen's documentary film of 2010 returns to the city of Salta in Argentina as it is today and revisits the memories and impressions the filming has made on the community. Windhausen's film raises important questions of imperial memory in the Cold War and questions of translation and the changing memory of group identities that are used to characterise empires (Cossacks) and nations (Gauchos) across state boundaries - of the way that twenty-first century Agentinians remember twentieth-century Americans playing at nineteenth-century Russians and Ukrainians. Federico Windhausen is a director and film scholar teaching at the California College of the Arts. His research areas include Latin American cinema (with an emphasis on Argentina) and experimental practices in film, video, and new media. This discussion is a collaboration of the UCL Centre for Transnational History and the UCL School of Slavonic and East European Studies Russian Cinema Research Group. Tim Beasley-Murray, SSEES Dina Gusejnova, Centre for Transnational History Dr Dina Gusejnova Leverhulme Fellow History Department and Centre for Transnational History, UCL Gower Street, London WC1E 6BT, UK |
Wednesday, 30 January, 2013, 5.30-8pm | Book Launch: America Imagined: Explaining the United States in Nineteenth-century Europe and Latin America | 51 Gordon Square, London, WC1H 0PQ | UCL-IA, in conjunction with the UCL Centre for Transnational History, is pleased to host the launch of this book, edited by three eminent UCL History scholars: Prof Axel Korner, Prof Nicola Miller and Dr Adam I.P. Smith (published by Palgrave MacMillan, 2012). Why has "America" - that is, the United States of America - become so much more than simply a place in the imagination of so many people around the world? In both Europe and Latin America, the United States has often been a site of multiple possible futures, a screen onto which could be projected utopian dreams and dystopian nightmares. Join discussants Prof Miles Taylor and Emeritus Professor Guy Thomson, and continue the discussion over a drink at the brief drinks reception that will follow the presentation. Entrance is free of charge but registration is required. |
Monday, 10 December 2012, 6 pm | Presentation and discussion of: Avi Lifschitz,Language and Enlightenment. The Berlin Debates of the Eighteenth Century.(Oxford: OUP 2012) | Gordon House, 29 Gordon Square, room 106 | Presentation and discussion of: Avi Lifschitz, Language and Enlightenment. The Berlin Debates of the Eighteenth Century. (Oxford: OUP, 2012) Discussants: Christopher Clark (Cambridge) and Nicholas Cronk (Oxford) Chair: Axel Körner (UCL) |
11am-8pm, Thursday, 14 June 2012 | International History Conference in Honour of Professor Kathleen Burk | Archaeology Lecture Theatre, UCL, 31-34 Gordon Square | Entitled New Perspectives on International History, there will be three panels, on transatlantic relations, transnational approaches to international history, and empire. Presentations will be given by Kathy's colleagues and former students, highlighting the department's strengths in international history and its past, present, and future contributions to the field. The keynote lecture at 6pm will be by Professor David Reynolds, Professor of International History at Christ's College, University of Cambridge. This will be followed by a wine reception with wines selected by Kathy. |
Thursday, 19 April - Saturday, 21 April 2012 | Rousseau 300 A series of events commemorating Rousseau's tercentenary | ||
Tuesday, 13 March 2012 | Centre for Transnational History Annual Lecture | Haldane Lecture Theatre, UCL | Dr Patricia Clavin (Jesus College, Oxford), 'Ropes around the necks of our debtors.' Europe and the Transnational History of Development, 1920-1970. |
5.30 p.m. Wednesday 12 October 2011 | IHR/CTH Rethinking Modern Europe Seminar | Senate Room, 1st floor South Block, Senate House, Reception afterwards in the Jessel Room | Book Launch Chair: Axel Körner (UCL) |
5.30 p.m. Thursday 24 March 2011 | Centre for Transnational History Annual Lecture | The Gustave Tuck Lecture Theatre (UCL South Cloisters, top floor) Map | Welcome and Introduction, Dr Axel Korner (Co-ordinator, UCL Centre for Transnational History) John A. Davis 'The Jews of San Nicandro: A Transnational Story?' (John A Davis is Emiliana Pasca Noether Professor of Modern Italian History and Director, Center for European Studies, University of Connecticut. His most recent book is The Jews of San Nicandro. New Haven and London: Yale University Press, 2010) Comment and vote of thanks, Professor Ada Rapoport-Albert (UCL, Department of Hebrew and Jewish Studies) |
5:30 p.m. Wednesday 9 March 2011 | IHR/CTH Rethinking Modern Europe Seminar | Please note: This seminar will be held at Goldsmiths College, Richard Hoggart Building, Room 256 | Richard Clogg (Oxford) 'Defining the Diaspora: The Case of the Greeks' |
5:30 p.m. Wednesday 23 February 2011 | IHR/CTH Rethinking Modern Europe Seminar | Germany Room, Institute for Historical Research Map | David Feldman (Birkbeck) 'Migrants, Immigrants and Welfare in Modern Britain' |
5:30 p.m. Wednesday 9 February 2011 | HRH/CTH Rethinking Modern Europe Seminar | Germany Room, Institute for Historical Research Map | Maurizio Isabella (Queen Mary) 'Diasporas and circulation of ideas in the era of the liberal revolutions' |
5:30 p.m. Wednesday 26 January 2011 | IHR/CTH Rethinking Modern Europe Seminar | Germany Room, Institute for Historical Research Map | Daniel Beer (Royal Holloway) 'Personal Freedom in the House of the Dead: Exile to Siberia 1870 -1900' |
5:30 p.m. Wednesday 24 November 2010 | IHR/CTH Rethinking Modern Europe Seminar | Germany Room, Institute for Historical Research Map | Peter Gatrell (Manchester) 'The uses of displacement: perspectives from modern European history' |
5:30 p.m. Wednesday 10 November 2010 | IHR/CTH Rethinking Modern Europe Seminar | Germany Room, Institute for Historical Research Map | Antonio D'Alessandri (Roma III) 'The "Eastern Question" and France: Nationalism, Revolution and Exile after 1848-49' |
5:30 p.m. Wednesday 27 October 2010 | IHR/CTH Rethinking Modern Europe Seminar | Germany Room, Institute for Historical Research Map | Pamela Ballinger (University of Michigan) 'Displacing Empire: Mobility, Immobility, and the Repatriation of Italian Settlers from Libya' |
Friday, 30 April - Saturday 1 May 2010 | International Conference Video of Axel Korner's keynote lecture 'Five Thoughts on Transnational History' | For further details | Speakers included: Herman Bennett (New York), Volker Berghahn (New York), Wendy Bracewell (UCL), Patricia Clavin (Oxford), John Darwin (Oxford), Wendy Davies (UCL), Semil Deringil (Istanbul), Jeroen Duindam (Groningen), Norbert Goetz (Stockholm), Tom Gretton (UCL), Maurizio Isabella (QMUL), Jonathan Israel (Princeton), Andrew Hemingway (UCL), Mary Hilson (UCL), Axel Korner (UCL), Amelie Kuhrt (UCL), Daniel Laqua (Northumbria), Avi Lifschitz (UCL), Vivienne Lo (UCL), Nicola Miller (UCL), Diana Mishkova (Sofia), Jason Peacey (UCL), Lucy Riall (BBK), Bernhard Rieger (UCL), Katharina Rietzler (UCL), Naoko Shimazu (BBK), Bo Strath (Helsinki), Georgios Varouxakis (QMUL), Peter Wilson (LSE) |
November 2009 to December 2009 | Global Perspectives on the Current Crisis | Gustave Tuck Lecture Theatre, UCL | In a series of lectures organised by UCL's Centre for Transnational History, internationally renowned experts probe the origins, development and consequences of the current economic crisis. |
26th-28th November 2009 | European Societies of Work in Transformation: Comparative and Transnational Perspectives on Great Britain, Sweden and West Germany During the Seventies | German Historical Institute London 17 Bloomsbury Square London WC1A 2NJ | During the Seventies, many European countries experienced profound structural transformations that affected their character as industrial societies. In particular, the fundamental changes that reshaped the world of work galvanized public attention as much as they puzzled policy makers and social scientists. Moreover, countless people directly affected by the downturn made their grievances known in public. Focusing on Great Britain, Sweden and West Germany, this conference compares how three European industrial societies struggled to deal with challenges of economic change in a broad range of economic, social, and cultural settings. We hope to open up this new field for comparative and transnational historical research. For the full programme, please click here. |
22nd October 2009 | "East looks West" Book Launch | Haldane Room, North Cloister, Wilkins Building, University College London Map | To mark the completion of the "East looks West" Travel Writing Project, Wendy Bracewell and Alex Drace-Francis are hosting a reception in the Haldane Room, North Cloister, Wilkins Building, University College London, at 6.30pm on Thursday 22 October 2009. Poet, critic and novelist Alan Brownjohn, and critic and memoirist Vesna Goldsworthy, will introduce the volumes of the series. There will also be a series of further public events at UCL - "Destination London" - to mark the occasion. For details of the programme click here. Destination London Flyer: |
6th June 2009 | Civic virtue and modernity: Debates on Rousseau in German-speaking Europe and in Britain | The Wellcome Unit for the History of Medicine at UCL, 183 Euston Road, 5th floor. | Participants will include: Alexander Schmidt, Brian Young, Frecderick Neuhouser, Tristan Coignard, Avi Lifschitz, Iain Hampsher-Monk, Michael Sonenscher |
5th June 2009 | Civic virtue and modernity: Debates on Rousseau in German-speaking Europe and in Britain | The German Historical Institute, 17 Bloomsbury Square. | Participants will include: Andreas Gestrich, Béla Kapossy, Isaac Nakhimovsky, Daniel Tröhler, Heide von Felden, Karen O'Brien, Liselotte Steinbrügge, Iain McDaniel, Ultán Gillen, John Robertson, Anthony La Vopa |
4th June 2009 | Transnational History and Gender A half-day workshop at University College London (UCL) | Room G09/10, 26 Gordon Square UCL Department of History | This event explores the role of transnational experiences in the construction and perception of gender from 1500. The workshop brings together specialists from different sub-disciplines of history as well as historians with a specific theoretical interest in gender studies and/or transnational history. The event is open to researchers and graduate students; it is run in cooperation with the European Doctorate in the Social History of Europe and the Mediterranean. Workshop programme (pdf) Conference report by Daniel Laqua and published in Quaderni Storici |
20th February 2009 | Colloquium on Lincoln and Transatlantic Liberalism | The Wilkins Old Refectory (UCL Wilkins building, enter via South Cloisters) | Participants will include: Michael O'Brien (Cambridge), James T. Kloppenberg (Harvard), Lawrence Goldman (Oxford), Robert Cook (Sussex), Anthony Howe (UEA), Eugenio Biagini (Cambridge), Axel Korner (UCL), Kate Ferris (Durham) and Maike Thier (UCL) For more information please go to: or contact Dr Adam Smith at: |
19th February 2009 | The 2009 UCL Commonwealth Fund and Harry Allen Memorial Lecture to mark the Abraham Lincoln bicentennial Professor Allen C. Guelzo (Gettysburg College) "Lincoln, Cobden and Bright: The Braid of Liberalism in the Nineteenth-Century's Transatlantic World" with an introduction by Rt Hon the Baroness Williams of Crosby | The Gustave Tuck Lecture Theatre (UCL South Cloisters, top floor) Map | For more information please go to: or contact Dr Adam Smith at: |
11th November 2008 5.15 pm | Pierre-Yves Saunier (CNRS, Lyon) "No more turns: history with a transnational angle" | UCL History Department, 25-26 Gordon Square Room G09/10 ground floor Map | Pierre-Yves Saunier is the general editor of the Palgrave Dictionary of Transnational History More information to follow soon |
7th November 2008 10:00 - 5:30 pm | Postgraduate Workshop: Religion and Social Identity in Antiquity | Wilkins Haldane Room (entrance by the North Cloister) UCL Map | For information and registration please contact: Soraia Tabatabai ( OR Alix Beaumont ( |
28th October 2008 6 pm | Inaugural Lecture, Centre for Transnational History Professor Jacques Revel (EHESS, Paris - NYU, NY) "Religions beyond borders? | Gustave Tuck Lecture Theatre (UCL, South Cloisters, top floor) Map |
8th-9th May 2008 | The American Way of Life: Images of the United States in Nineteenth-Century Europe and Latin America | Institute for the Study of the Americas, London | Further details Programme |
2nd May 2008 | Interwar Internationalism: Conceptualising Transnational Thought and Action, 1919 - 1939 | Room 218, Chadwick Building University College London (UCL) | Workshop programme (pdf) |
1st May 2008 | Workshop - Transnational Perspectives in History | Wellcome Trust Centre for the History of Medicine at UCL | Workshop programme (Word) |
11 March 2008 | The Politics of Trans-Atlantic History | History Department, UCL | Seminar details (Word) |