UCL IHE Autumn Research Symposium 2019
05 November 2019, 10:00 am–5:30 pm
Save the date for the UCL Institute of Healthcare Engineering's Autumn Research Symposium.
This event is free.
Event Information
Open to
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- Yes
- Free
Institute of Healthcare Engineering
Wellcome Collection183 Euston RoadLondonNW12BE
The UCL Institute of Healthcare Engineering is hosting its second annual Autumn Research Symposium. The day will showcase UCL's healthcare engineering research and some of our main priorities and activities.
This won't be a traditional symposium format! The event is grouped into sessions around our key values: collaboration, innovation and translation. We are planning an interesting, interactive day of panel discussions, live research demonstrations and patient stories.
We hope to see you there.
9.30 – Registration and refreshments
10.00 - Welcome - Prof David Price, UCL Vice-Provost (Research)
Session 1: Collaborate
10.05 - Introduction to collaboration at UCL Institute of Healthcare Engineering – Prof Rebecca Shipley, Director UCL Institute of Healthcare Engineering
10.15 - Engineer-clinician collaboration
- Collaboration in digital health - Prof Elizabeth Murray, Clinical Deputy Director for UCL Institute of Healthcare Engineering and Prof Ann Blandford, Digital Health Deputy Director for UCL Institute of Healthcare Engineering
- Collaboration in cardiovascular health- Dr Malcolm Finlay, Consultant Electrophysiologist at Barts Heart Centre and Prof Adrien Desjardins, UCL Medical Physics and Biomedical Engineering
10.55 - ADAPT to Thrive for our early-career researcher community
- Chairs - Yolanda Ohene, Centre for Advanced Biomedical Imaging and Dr CJ Lou, UCL Mechanical Engineering
- ADAPT to Thrive speakers - Prof David Hawkes, UCL Medical Physics and Biomedical Engineering and Prof Clare Elwell, UCL Medical Physics and Biomedical Engineering
11.40 - Global collaboration (India case-study)
- Wheelchair access in India – Dr Cathy Holloway, Director of Global Disability Innovation Hub
- Handheld screening for blindness in India - Prof Sobha Sivaprasad, Consultant Ophthalmologist at Moorfields Eye Hospital
12.15 - Introduction to our public engagement – Dr Claire Walsh, Centre of Advanced Biomedical Imaging
12.20 - Lunch and public engagement demonstrations from REANIMATE, i-sense and Science of Surgery teams
Session 2: Innovate
1.45 - Introduction to innovation at UCL Institute of Healthcare Engineering – Prof Rebecca Shipley, Director UCL Institute of Healthcare Engineering
1.55 - Panel discussion on technologies to enable healthy ageing
- Chair: Prof Ann Blandford, Digital Health Deputy Director for UCL Institute of Healthcare Engineering
- Panel: Dr Mine Orlu, UCL School of Pharmacy, Dr Evangelia Chrysikou, The Bartlett Real Estate Institute, Dr Sergi Costafreda Gonzalez, UCL Division of Psychiatry, Prof Danny Alexander, UCL Centre for Medical Imaging Computing, Dr Rui Loureiro, Aspire CREATe
2.40 - Introduction to crowdsourcing innovation campaign
Session 3: Translate
3.00 - Introduction to translation at UCL Institute of Healthcare Engineering – Prof Geoff Parker, Translational Deputy Director UCL Institute of Healthcare Engineering
3.10 - Panel discussion on translation
- Chair: Dr Vassilis Georgiadis, UCL Innovation & Enterprise
- Panel: Prof Geoff Parker, Translational Deputy Director of UCL Institute of Healthcare Engineering, Peter Mountney, CEO of Odin Vision, Phoebe Heseltine, UCL Mechanical Engineering, Mariam Elgabary, Jill Dando Institute and Dr James Phillips, Vice-Dean Enterprise for UCL Faculty of Life Sciences
3.50 - Patient stories
- Experiences of dystonia - Dr Sue Pringle and Dr Tim Adlam, Global Disability Innovation (GDI) Hub
4.45 - Drinks and networking