
UCL Institute of Healthcare Engineering


Education Delivery Group activities

Here's a snapshot of what we've been up to and what we have planned.

Summer studentships at the Royal National Orthopaedic Hospital


In summer 2021, we coordinated an 8-week scheme giving undergraduate engineering students an opportunity to take part in a research project at RNOH. The students worked on an exciting and diverse range of research projects including the development of smart insoles to help people recover from falls, through to vibration therapy for ankle injuries.

Chair of UCL IHE’s Education Delivery Group, Dr Pilar Garcia Souto (UCL Medical Physics & Biomedical Engineering) said: “Our students at UCL are very motivated individuals that seek to complement the learning from their academic studies with in-situ experience in clinical practice, research and industry.”

“I am always amazed at their stamina, responsibility and foreplanning, searching for opportunities to get that experience doing some volunteering work or studentships during the summer and their holidays. UCL and the IHE are committed to helping students developing into young professionals that make us proud. We embed them onto our research at different levels, with research-based teaching, small volunteering opportunities, and final year research projects in the state-of-the-art of each field. But the paid internships offered by the IHE address another of the interest of the students, learning about clinical practice and research in hospitals where access would have been difficult otherwise.”

Selfie portrait
Oreeditse Mogobye (UCL Medical Physics and Biomedical Engineering) was one of the students who took part in the scheme. She shared her experience at RNOH in a blog. 

"I thoroughly enjoyed my internship this summer and now have very valuable experience under my belt. I can now easily converse about what Spinal Myeloma is and what Royal National Orthopaedic is doing to helping patients with this condition. Words are not enough to express how grateful I am to have been part of the team that is at the forefront in inventing new ways to help patients. I know this will help when looking for jobs and needing references."

Read Oreeditse's blog