Please subscribe to the Hazlitt Society to receive the most recent issues of The Hazlitt Review. Links to PDF files of complete Hazlitt Review issue are provided below for older issues. For open access purposes these can also be provided on request (please email
Volume 16 (September 2023)
Special Issue on The Liberal
Richard Cronin, 'Hazlitt, Byron, The Liberal and Preposterous Liberalism'
Jane Stabler, 'Byron's Don Juan and Hazlitt's writings for The Liberal'
Jon Cook, 'Hazlitt's First Acquaintance with Poets
David Woodhouse, 'A Liberal Saunter through the West-End
Volume 15 (September 2022)
Freya Johnston, 'Hazlitt and Prejudice'
Hannah Tran, 'Keeping Things Interesting: Hazlitt, the Essay and Repetition'
R. L. Abrahamson, 'I Will Yield to None in Admiration for Hazlitt': Robert Louis Stevenson and the Abandoned Biography of William Hazlitt'
Jon Mee and James Grande (eds.), The Spirit of Controversy, and other Essays, reviewed by Koenraaf Claes
Thomas Karshan and Kathryn Murphy (eds.), On Essays: Montaigne to the Present, reviewed by David Woodhouse
In Memoriam: Hannah Tran, 1994-2022
Volume 14 (September 2021)
James R. M. Wakefield, 'On Whether Hazlitt was a Philosophical Idealist (and Why it Matters)
Martin Lang, 'Hazlitt on Aesthetic Democracy and Artistic Genius'
Gregory Dart, 'Lamb's Unpublished Review of Hazlitt's Table-Talk'
Jonathan Rée, Witcraft: The Invention of Philosophy in English, reviewed by Timothy Milnes
Philippe Hunnekuhl, Henry Crabb Robinson: Romantic Comparatist, 1970-1811, reviewed by Eugene Stelzig
Volume 13 (September 2020)
Commemorating Peterloo
Alan Rusbridger, Hazlitt, Peterloo and The Guardian
John Gardner, Hazlitt and Peterloo
Maike Oergel, 'Incorrigible Jacobins': Hazlitt's Engagement with German Literature
Mary Fairclough, William Hazlitt and the Dissenting Art of Reading
Christopher Butcher, 'My Great Master in the Art of Thinking': Thomas Noon Talfourd on William Hazlitt
Tim Milnes, The Testimony of Sense: Empiricism and the Essay from Hume to Hazlitt, reviewed by Philipp Hunnekuhl
Brian Rejack and Michael Theune (eds.), Keats's Negative Capability: New Origins and Afterlives, reviewed by Anna Mercer
Volume 12 (September 2019) PDF
Hazlitt and his Circle
Felicity James, 'Hazlitt and Lamb: Spirits of the Age'
Michael Steier, 'Speaking Disagreeable Truths: Leigh Hunt's Unpublished Memoir of William Hazlitt'
David Woodhouse, 'Hazlitt and Byron: Hereditary Prejudices and Liberal Sympathies'
Mario Aquilana, 'A Lover's Discourse in Liber Amoris'
Jonathan Mulrooney, Romanticism and Theatrical Experience: Kean, Hazlitt, and Keats in the Age of Theatrical News, reviewed by Diego Saglia
Volume 11 (September 2018) PDF
Hazlitt and Life-Writing
Jonathan Bate, 'Hazlitt on Wordsworth'
Jon Cook, 'Sitting on Hazlitt's Knee'
John Whale, 'Hazlitt on Identity: The Inveterate Self and Social Change'
Cristina Consiglio, 'Hazlitt's Journey to Italy'
Cristina Consiglio, (ed. and trans.) William Hazlitt lettore di Shakespeare; Ritratti Romani, and Alfonso Geraci and Franscesco Romero (ed. and trans.), William Hazlitt. I personaggi del teatro di Shakespeare, reviewed by Elisa Fortunato
Michael D. Hurley and Marcus Waithe (eds.) Thinking Through Style: Non-Fiction Prose of the Long Nineteenth Century, reviewed by Gregory Dart
Volume 10 (September 2017) PDF
Hazlitt and Mind
Uttara Natarajan, Editor's Note
Jon Cook, 'Hazlitt and Resistance'
David Woodhouse, '"Organ of Vanity": Hazlitt's Phrenological Caricature of Southey'
Philipp Hunnekuhl, 'Hazlitt, Crabb Robinson, and Kant: 1806 and beyond'
Tim Milnes, '"This Happy Nonentity": Hazlitt, Hume, and the Essay'
Helen Boyles, Romanticism and Methodism: The Problem of Religious Enthusiasm, reviewed by Mark Burden
Ruth Livesey, Writing the Stage Coach Nation: Locality on the Move in Nineteenth-Century British Literature, reviewed by Ruth M. McAdams
Björn Bosserhoff, Radical Contra-Diction: Coleridge, Revolution, Apostasy, reviewed by Jolene Mathieson
'A Marseillaise over the Restored Grave of Hazlitt', by Ian Mayes
'Report on the Condition of Hazlitt's Memorial Stone', by Helen Hodgson
Volume 9 (September 2016) PDF
Hazlitt and Journalism
Ian Haywood, 'Hazlitt and the Monarchy: Legitimacy, Radical Print Culture, and Caricature'
Lucasta Miller 'Liber Amoris, The Literary Gazette, and the Poet L.E.L.'
'At Hazlitt's Grave', a poem by David Cote
Kevin Gilmartin, William Hazlitt: Political Essayist, reviewed by Octavia Cox
Anahid Nersessian, Utopia, Limited: Romanticism and Adjustment, reviewed by Paul Hamilton
James Grande and John Stevenson (eds.), William Cobbett, Romanticism and the Enlightenment, reviewed by Claire Sheridan
Survey of Hazlitt Studies 2009-2014, Philipp Hunnekuhl
Report on the 14th Hazlitt Day School and 2015 Annual Lecture, Philipp Hunnekuhl
Volume 8 (September 2015) PDF
Hazlitt and Art
Martin Postle, ''Boswell Redivivus': Northcote, Hazlitt and the British School'
Eleanor Relle, 'The Elusive Mr Railton: Was Peggy Hazlitt right?'
Lisa Milroy, 'The Pleasure of Painting'
Daniel Lago Monteiro, 'With Music and Painting in Mind': Religion and Art in Hazlitt's Imagery'
'William Hazlitt: Through the Eyes of a Critic' at Tate Britain, 29 September 2014 - 5 April 2015, reviewed by Philipp Hunnekuhl
Stephen Burley, Hazlitt the Dissenter: Religion, Philosophy and Politics, 1766-1816, reviewed by Timothy Whelan
Duncan Wu, ed. All That Is Worth Remembering: Selected Essays of William Hazlitt, reviewed by Gregory Dart
David Higgins, Romantic Englishness: Local, National and Global Selves, 1780-1850, reviewed by James Vigus
Report on the 13th Hazlitt Day-School and 2014 Annual Hazlitt Lecture, Philipp Hunnekuhl
Obituary: Dr Peter Medway, 1941-2015, Stephen Burley
Volume 7 (September 2014) PDF
Hazlitt and Theatre
Peter Thomson, 'Bodies that Thought: Hazlitt and Edmund Kean'
John Stokes, 'Embodying Shadows: Wilde and Hazlitt as Theatrical Writers'
Tom Lockwood, ''He Spoke to Charles Lamb': Reading and Performance in Hazlitt's Lectures on the Age of Elizabeth
Claire Sheridan, 'A Tragedy Called 'The Last Man': Hazlitt Joke on Francis Place'
Nikki Hessell, Literary Authors, Parliamentary Reporters: Johnson, Coleridge, Hazlitt, Dickens, reviewed by Scott McEathron
Gregory Dart, Metropolitan Art and Literature, 1810-1840: Cockney Adventures, reviewed by James Grande
Gavin Budge, Romanticism, Medicine and the Natural Supernatural: Transcendent Vision and Bodily Spectres 1789-1853, reviewed by James Whitehead
Report on the 12th Hazlitt Day-school and 2013 Annual Hazlitt Lecture, by Philipp Hunnekuhl
Charles Robinson, William Hazlitt Autograph Letters: A Query
Volume 6 (September 2013) PDF
Terry Eagleton, 'Ulster Altruism: Frances Hutcheson and William Hazlitt'
Philipp Hunnekuhl, 'Hazlitt and Crabb Robinson: The Common Pursuit'
James Grande, '1828 and All That: Hazlitt, Godwin and the Legacies of Dissent'
David Stewart, 'Hazlitt, the Living Poets, and Ephemerality'
David Stewart, Romantic Magazines and Metropolitan Literary Culture, reviewed by James Whitehead.
Volume 5 (September 2012) PDF
Paul Hamilton and Tariq Ali, 'Hazlitt and Democracy'
Marcus Tomalin, 'Reassessing Language, Liberality, and Patriotism in the work of William Hazlitt'
John Whale, 'Hazlitt, Modernity, and the Workings of the Spirit'
Stephen Burley, ' "A Slaughter-House of Christianity': a Short History of New College, Hackney'
Diccon Spain, Report on the 11th Hazlitt Day-School.
Volume 4 (September 2011) PDF
Anthony Benn, 'What We Owe to William Hazlitt'
Eleanor Relle, '"The Glow of Production": Hazlitt and the Maidstone Museum Collection'
Paul Hamilton, 'Paradoxical Argument: Hazlitt's Political Essays of 1819'
Jon Cook, 'Hazlitt and the Passions'
Adrian Poole (ed.), Lamb, Hazlitt, Keats, reviewed by Robert White
Volume 3 (September 2010) PDF
Ian Mayes and Duncan Wu on Michael Foot
Stephen Burley, '"In this Intolerence I Glory": William Hazlitt (1737-1820) and the Dissenting Periodical'
Richard de Ritter, '"In Their Newest Gloss": Hazlitt on Reading, Gender, and the Problems of Print Culture'
Marcus Tomalin, '"This Go-Cart of the Understanding": Contextualizing Hazlitt's Criticisms of Logic'
Bálint Gárdos, 'Hazlitt and the Common Pursuit'
Marcus Tomalin, Romanticism and Linguistic Theory: William Hazlitt, Language and Literature, reviewed by Gregory Dart
Volume 2 (September 2009) PDF
Tom Paulin, 'Hazlitt's Influence on Dickens in Barnaby Rudge'
Vidyan Ravinthiran, 'The "Liquid Texture" of the Elgin Marbles: Hazlitt, Reynolds, and the Miltonic Sublime'
Ian Patel, 'Hazlitt's Rhetorical Style'
Laurent Folliot, 'On Translating Hazlitt into French'
David Halpin, 'Hazlitt's Learning: A Real and Negative Education'
Duncan Wu, William Hazlitt: The First Modern Man, reviewed by Stephen Burley
Maurice Whelan, In the Company of William Hazlitt: Thoughts for the 21st Century, reviewed by Jon Cook
Gregory Dart (ed.), Liber Amoris and Related Writings, reviewed by Richard de Ritter
Survey of Hazlitt Studies 2008
Volume 1 (September 2008) PDF
David Bromwich, 'Hazlitt on Shakespeare and the Motives of Power'
Uttara Natarajan, 'Hazlitt and Kean'
Matthew Scott, 'Hazlitt's Burke and the Idea of Grace'
Mali Purkayastha, 'Why Hogarth Mattered to Hazlitt'
Maureen McCue, '"A Gallery in the Mind": Hazlitt, the Louvre, and the Meritocracy of Taste'
Kevin McCarra, 'Hazlitt Enters the Ring'