The Hazlitt Society Lecture 2005-2024
- JON MEE, 'Sticky Hazlitt', IAS, UCL 16 September 2024
- VIDYAN RAVINTHIRAN, 'Hazlitt (with Ramunujan) and Opinion', IAS, UCL, 16 September 2023
- RICHARD CRONIN, 'Preposterous Liberalism and The Liberal', Gustave Tuck Theatre, UCL, 17 September 2022
- FREYA JOHNSTON, 'Hazlitt and Prejudice', Gustave Tuck Theatre, UCL, 18 September 2021
- There was no Hazlitt lecture in 2020 because of the COVID-19 pandemic
- ALAN RUSBRIDGER, 'Hazlitt, Peterloo and the Guardian', Gustave Tuck Theatre, UCL, 14 September 2019
- FELICITY JAMES, 'Hazlitt and Lamb: Spirits of the Age', Chadwick Theatre, UCL, 22 September 2018
- JONATHAN BATE, 'Hazlitt and Wordsworth', Gustave Tuck Lecture Theatre, UCL, 23 September 2017
- JON COOK 'Hazlitt and Resistance', Gustave Tuck Lecture Theatre, UCL, 17 September 2016
- KEVIN GILMARTIN 'Hazlitt's Political Hatred', Gustave Tuck Lecture Theatre, UCL, 10 October 2015
- MARTIN POSTLE 'Boswell Redivivus: Hazlitt, Northcote and the British School', Gustave Tuck Lecture Theatre, UCL, 20 September 2014
- PETER THOMSON 'Hazlitt and Edmund Kean', Gustave Tuck Lecture Theatre, UCL, 14 September 2013
- TERRY EAGLETON, 'On William Hazlitt', Conway Hall, 15 September 2012.
- PAUL HAMILTON, 'Hazlitt's Political Essays', and TARIQ ALI, 'Is Capitalism a Threat to Democracy?, Conway Hall, 17 September 2011.
- TONY BENN, 'What We Owe Hazlitt', Conway Hall, 11 September 2010.
- PAUL JOHNSON, 'Hazlitt, Sarah and Napoleon: A Case of Sexual and Political Obsession', Conway Hall, 19 September 2009.
- TOM PAULIN, 'Hazlitt and Dickens', Conway Hall, Saturday 20 September 2008.
- DAVID BROMWICH, 'Hazlitt on Shakespeare', Conway Hall, 15 September 2007.
- DUNCAN WU, 'Hazlitt versus Coleridge', Conway Hall, 9 September 2006.
- A. C. GRAYLING, 'Hazlitt: the Independent Mind', Conway Hall, Saturday 17 September 2005.