
UCL Global


Urban heritage: a workshop in collaboration with Roma Tre and University of Gothenburg

27 May 2019–29 May 2019, 5:00 pm–7:00 pm

This workshop begins exploring the impact of Roma Tre on the regeneration of the post-industrial Ostiense area of Rome.

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The Bartlett

This workshop will explore the parameters for a future research project on the impact of Roma Tre on the regeneration of the post-industrial Ostiense area of Roma.

It builds on a previous research collaboration in the UCL/University of Gothenburg Centre for Critical Heritage Studies around the role played by universities in the construction of urban heritage narratives which drive regeneration programmes in different cities, particularly of post-industrial areas.

A main focus of the workshop will be to consider the different ways in which politicians, institutions, professional elites, and community groups address their past and/or forge new identities, and to outline a framework for a research proposal which sets out to analyse those processes in the Ostiense context.

It will establish a comparative framework for understanding processes of urban change and heritage engagement which are also being led by the University of Gothenburg (in the city centre) and UCL (in London), and contribute to analysis of the development of those sites and institutional programmes in the context of a pan-European debate on the role of universities as actors in the regeneration of historic cities.

In partnership with Roma Trè University and University of Gothenburg.