British Academy Postdoctoral Fellowships Call 2019/2020
16 July 2019
The Global Governance Institute at UCL is now welcoming applications for the British Academy Postdoctoral Fellowships 2019/2020 scheme.

The Global Governance Institute at UCL is now welcoming applications for the British Academy Postdoctoral Fellowships 2019/2020 scheme, which opens on 21 August and closes on 16 October 2019. The British Academy Postdoctoral Fellowship offers outstanding early career researchers the opportunity to strengthen their experience of research and teaching in a university environment. This scheme aims to help develop the award holder’s curriculum vitae and boost their prospects of obtaining a permanent university post. The primary emphasis is on the completion of a significant piece of publishable research, and the integration of the award holder into the community of established scholars within their field.
The Fellowship is tenable for three years starting, at the earliest, in September 2020, in a UK based University or Higher Education Institution. The Fellowship is non-renewable. This scheme provides funding to cover the salary costs of a three-year fellowship at a host institution of your choosing. It also provides £6K in total towards research expenses. The application will be in two stages: the Outline Stage, open for everyone within the eligibility criteria, and the Second Stage, by invitation only. Main points on eligibility:
- Applicants must be supported by the UK host institution in which they wish to hold the Fellowship
- Applicants must be within three years of the award of a doctorate (this means being awarded via a viva voce examination between 1 April 2017 and 1st April 2020).
- Applicants in the 2019-20 competition awarded a PhD before 1 April 2017 can apply given extenuating circumstances, such as through illness or parental/care giving duties. If you are unsure about whether this applies to you, please contact the Research Funding Team.
- Those with a permanent academic post are ineligible to apply.
- Applicants must be either a UK/EEA national, or have completed a doctorate at a UK university. Applicants who do not fall into one of these categories must demonstrate a 'strong prior association' with the UK academic community. This is typically gained through having been employed in a temporary capacity at a UK university for at least 12 months
Candidates are required to send their proposal to Monica Burgess by 9am on 30 August 2019. The proposal should include the following as per BA guidelines (please note guidelines will be updated for the new call on 21 August 2019):
- Research Proposal Title
- Abstract: Summarise your proposed research for an informed general audience (150 words)
- Reason(s) for choice of host institution (150 words).
- Previous Research: normally referring to the doctoral thesis (600 words)
- Proposed Programme: description of the research programme, including methodology. Scholarly importance of the project and its feasibility, especially in terms of the proposed methodology and timescale should be emphasised (1500 words)
- Plan of Action: Viability, specificity and originality of the research programme and of its achievability within the timescale should be emphasised (800 words)
- CV including a list of publications
Prospective fellows would work under the mentorship of Prof David Coen and/or Dr Tom Pegram and are invited to address any global governance research thematic falling under the remit of the GGI. Please also note that candidates need to have Prof Coen's and Dr Pegram's agreement to act as mentors before they apply. If you have any questions, please ask Monica Burgess.