
Global Governance Institute


The C Word: How Should the Aid Business Think and Act about Corruption?

1 July 2015

Duncan Green, strategic advisor to Oxfam GB, has written in his popular blog about the UCL 'Corruption and Development' event which was hosted by the GGI on 29 June 2015.

corruption event

Lead by Dr David Hudson, the seminar heard about the findings of a DFID evidence review by Alina Rocha Menocal and Nils Taxell (among others).

'Went to a seminar on corruption and development on Monday - notable in itself as corruption is something of a taboo topic in aid circles. Aid supporters often cite framing - George Lakoff's 'Don't Think of an Elephant' or Richard Nixon's 'I am not a crook' (below)- as justification for avoiding the topic; even if you raise it to dismiss it, the connection between aid and corruption will be established in the public mind'

Read the blog post here: The C Word: How Should the Aid Business Think and Act about Corruption?