
Global Governance Institute


A global economy that works for people and the planet: ‘green growth’ or ‘post-growth’?

01 June 2022, 6:15 pm–7:30 pm

Protest Sign: No Business on a Dead Planet (Markus Spiske/Unsplash)

What kind of economy do we need to respond to the dual pressures of the environmental crisis and mounting social inequality? Join us for this panel discussion with Dr Milena Buchs (University of Leeds), Professor Paul Ekins (UCL), Professor Henrietta Moore (UCL) and Professor Peter Victor (York University).

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Julia Kreienkamp

Is economic growth essential to human prosperity and wellbeing? Can it be reconciled with environmental sustainability? Or do the converging ecological crises we are now facing, from climate change to biodiversity collapse, compel us to rethink the imperative of economic growth? This expert panel will address these overarching questions, while also exploring what a world ‘beyond growth’ would actually look like, how we might get there, and what governance processes would have to be in place to ensure that it is socially inclusive

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About the Speakers

Milena Büchs

Associate Professor in Sustainability, Economics and Low Carbon Transitions at University of Leeds

Milena Buchs
Dr Milena Büchs is Associate Professor in Sustainability, Economics and Low Carbon Transitions at the Sustainability Research Institute, University of Leeds. Combining theories and methods from ecological economics, social policy and sociology, Milena's research focuses on sustainable welfare and just transitions. Milena is Co-I of the UKRI-funded Centre for Research on Energy Demand Reduction where she examines inequality of energy use and emissions and fair emission reduction. She is also PI of the EU Marie Sklodowska-Curie Fellowship ShaRe for Dr Diana Ivanova which investigates the role of sharing within and between households for carbon reduction. Prior to joining the University of Leeds in 2016, she was an Associate/Assistant Professor in Sociology and Social Policy at the University of Southampton (2005-2016). More about Milena Büchs

Paul Ekins

Professor of Resources and Environmental Policy at Institute for Sustainable Resources, University College London

Paul Ekins
Paul Ekins has a Ph.D. in economics from the University of London and is Professor of Resources and Environmental Policy at the Institute for Sustainable Resources at University College London. He also has an Hon DSc from the University of Keele. He was a Member of the UK Royal Commission on Environmental Pollution from 2002-2008. From 2014-2019 he was a Co-Director of the UK Energy Research Centre. In 2013-2014 he was a Member of the European Resource Efficiency Platform and Vice-Chair of the then European Environment Commissioner’s Expert Economists’ Group on resource efficiency. He is a member of UNEP’s International Resource Panel (IRP), and was the lead author of the IRP’s reports on resource efficiency (commissioned by the G7 governments and presented in Japan in 2016) and mineral resource governance (published in 2020). He was a Co-Chair of UNEP’s sixth Global Environment Outlook (GEO-6), which was presented to the fourth United Nations Environment Assembly in Nairobi in March 2019. Paul Ekins’ academic work, published in numerous books, articles and scientific papers, focuses on the conditions and policies for achieving an environmentally sustainable economy. The books include his exploration of economic growth and the environment: Environmental Sustainability and Economic Growth, the Prospects for Green Growth (Routledge, 2000). In 1994 Paul Ekins received UNEP’s Global 500 Award ‘for outstanding environmental achievement’ and in 2015 received an OBE ‘for services to environmental policy’. More about Paul Ekins

Henrietta Moore

Founder and Director at Institute for Global Prosperity, University College London

Henrietta Moore_160x200
Professor Henrietta L. Moore is the Founder and Director of the Institute for Global Prosperity and the Chair in Culture Philosophy and Design at University College London (UCL). A leading global thinker on prosperity, Professor Moore challenges traditional economic models of growth arguing that to flourish communities, businesses and governments need to engage with diversity and work within environmental limits. Her work crosses disciplines, from social science to the arts to business innovation and she applies these different perspectives to inform research and policy at all levels. Professor Moore is a Fellow of the British Academy, a Fellow of the Royal Society of Arts, an Academician of the Learned Societies for the Social Sciences, and a Member of the Institute of Directors. More about Henrietta Moore

Peter Victor

Professor Emeritus at York University, Canada

Peter Victor_160x200
Economist Peter A. Victor, author of Managing without Growth. Slower by Design, not Disaster, is a Professor Emeritus at York University. He has worked for over 50 years in Canada and abroad on economy, energy, and environment as an academic, consultant and public servant. His work on ecological economics has been recognized through the award of the Molson Prize in the Social Sciences by the Canada Council for the Arts in 2011, the Boulding Memorial Prize from the International Society for Ecological Economics in 2014, and election to the Royal Society of Canada in 2015. More about Peter Victor

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