Climate Change and the Voiceless
13 January 2020, 6:15 pm–7:30 pm

How can we change the law to protect future generations, wildlife, and natural resources, the most vulnerable to global climate change?
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Global Governance Institute
Room G.0326 Bedford WayLondonWC1H 0DSUnited Kingdom
Future generations, wildlife, and natural resources – collectively referred to as “the voiceless” in this presentation – are the most vulnerable and least equipped populations to protect themselves from the impacts of global climate change. Domestic and international law protections are beginning to recognize rights and responsibilities that apply to the voiceless community; however, these legal developments have yet to be pursued in a collective manner and have not been considered together in the context of climate change and climate justice. This presentation first identifies the common vulnerabilities of the voiceless in the Anthropocene era. It then proposes how the law can evolve to protect their interests more effectively through a stewardship-focused and rights-based system derived from the mandate inherent in the concept of sustainable development.
This presentation is drawn from Prof Abate's book titled 'Climate Change and the Voiceless: Protecting Future Generations, Wildlife, and Natural Resources', published by Cambridge University Press in October 2019. Flyer and book discount available here.
About the Speaker
Prof Randall Abate