
Global Governance Institute


Towards a global low-carbon transition. Challenges and opportunities - Michele Stua

22 March 2016, 6:15 pm–7:30 pm

Michele Stua

Event Information

Open to



Room 1.03 Malet Place, Engineering Building, Gower Street, WC1E 6BT

The Paris Agreement signed on December 12th 2015 represents a milestone for international action on climate change and a breakthrough for international mitigation policy. While its medium- to long-term outcomes cannot be forecasted at this stage, it is undeniable that a new and challenging phase in the global low-carbon transition has been launched.

The new climate policy era offers an enhanced framework for the development and operation of mechanisms aimed at facilitating the low-carbon transition of the economy worldwide. Article 6 in particular represents a cornerstone in defining the basic structure of the new mechanisms included in the Agreement. A mechanism 'open to all' is introduced and an ambitious new phase in the international relations may be forged upon it. Yet the mechanism's structure is barely drawn up and several questions still remain unsolved. Can we expect for the mechanism to establish a global carbon market? How can the mechanism really promote mitigation actions while supporting sustainable development in line with the general objectives of the Agreement? Can justice, equity and transparency be enhanced by the adoption of the mechanism? Rather than providing straightforward answers, the presentation aims to suggest insights to stimulate a fruitful debate on these topics and, more generally, on the new regime established by the Paris Agreement.

Michele Stua is a Researcher at Science Policy Research Unit - SPRU, University of Sussex. His academic work has focused on Climate Policy, Climate Finance for more than eight years. His major efforts concerned the study of carbon mechanisms aimed at facilitating the trade of mitigation-related assets worldwide. His findings led to the definition of policy proposals introduced in different international contexts and represent the origin of the mechanism defined within the Article 6 (paragraphs 6.4-6.7) of the new International Agreement on Climate Change signed in Paris on December 2015.

The event is open to all, but to avoid disappointment please register here: https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/towards-a-global-low-carbon-transition-challenges-and-opportunities-concerning-the-article-6-of-the-tickets-21772186195

The event is organized by the Global Governance Institute in collaboration with The Global Hub for the Common Good.

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Global Hub for the Common Good