
Global Business School for Health


Finding your path: smart strategies for selecting a programme at GBSH

24 January 2024

Jingyi, our student ambassador, shares vital insights on choosing the right programme for you at GBSH. From personality tests to engaging with faculty, discover strategies for choosing the right program. A must-read for all prospective students!


Choosing a major is a pivotal decision that significantly shapes your academic journey and future professional endeavours. In this blog, we explore the insights of experienced upper-level students and knowledgeable faculty and staff, emphasizing primary selection from both the application and admission stages.

Self-Exploration during the Application Phase:

1.    Understanding your personality and what is the right major for you
Knowing yourself is fundamental to making informed decisions on the academic path. Taking personality tests, such as the MBTI and the Big Five personality traits, provides valuable insights. These reports often contain descriptions of characteristics appropriate for a particular career, and delving into detailed reports can help align your major with future career aspirations.

2. In-depth familiarity with Prospective Majors
Proactive steps at the application stage are crucial to ensure an accurate understanding of your chosen specialization. Attend an open day organized by GBSH to understand the course structure, teaching methods and future career paths. This first-hand exploration can help you make an informed decision when choosing a major. Additionally, chat with alums in your favourite field, which can provide you with a unique perspective on the requirements of the major and how it applies in the real world. In this process, you can truly understand the day-to-day work in the field, including skills, working environment and salary expectations, which can give you the knowledge you need to make a wise choice.

Adaptability and Communication in the Enrollment Phase:
Entering an academic field naturally comes with challenges. If you find it difficult to adapt to your chosen major, communication with your professor is critical to solving the problem. At a recent open day, several students asked about changing majors. Faculty leaders in GBSH emphasized that choosing a major should be a dynamic process that intertwines personal interests and future career paths. Flexibility in adjusting majors to meet changing goals is encouraged.

In a word, self-exploration and understanding of knowledge related to the major are essential for choosing the major. Personality assessments, open-day explorations, and coffee chats provide a comprehensive foundation for decision-making during the application phase. Once enrolled, improve your ability to adapt to the environment and communicate openly with your professors when experiencing professional difficulties. Finding your ideal major is a dynamic process that will evolve as you grow academically and personally.